Chapter 7. Training

At dawn

On a mountain peak

In a house,there was standing a youth,he had black hair and red eyes,his had a determined expression on his face.

This youth was Harada.

"Today,we officially start our demon slayer training,this is going to be difficult,but still,I'll learn as much as I can"

Saying that he rushed to his master,near his master was standing his younger brother,Kamado Tanjiro,who seemed to be ready for the training as well.

"Today,the first thing that you have to do is to get to the big boulder in the lower area of this mountain.You have to get there before the afternoon,if you can't do that,then you won't get lunch to eat",Urokodaki-san said in a stern voice.

"Yes,master" Tanjiro and I said in unison,and after saying that,we started running as fast as we could to get to the boulder which we saw in the lower area of this mountain while coming here.

I was running as fast as I could,I didn't feel any of yesterday's fatigue,yesterday,while following Urokodaki-san here,all we did was run,we ran the enitre day.

Currently,Nezuko was sleeping in Urokodaki-san's house.

After a few hours

By the time I arrived at the said point,near the boulder,I could feel fatigue,and I was swearing profusely as well.

"Hm,you have arrived here,now start jumping until the evening" as master said that,

we started jumping and continued jumping until the evening,By this time,I could feel my entire body giving up,I had no stamina left in me,I felt as if I'd fall unconscious any moment now."

We stopped jumping.

"Ah,also we did eat our lunch and were allowed to rest for half an hour after that,so that we can digest the food,yet the lunch was nothing special,just rice,yes just rice.We didn't even get anything else with that,but it is because we were allowed to rest and given some food that we were able to finish today's training"

"Ah,Nii-san,I think I'll fall unconscious" Tanjiro said while breadthing heavily.

"Hm,I don't even think that this the start of oir training,these are just warm ups to make our bodies suitable for the real training" as I said that,Tanjiro ignored me,poor boy him,didn't even have energy to reply to me.

As we were resting suddenly,Urokodaki-san appeared infront of us,wearing his red tengu mask he is always seen wearing a cloud-patterned jinbei kimono with navy colored pants which are fastened at his shins by white kyahan guards. He also wears traditional black tabi socks, and sandals similar to Tanjiro,and mine, except his sandals have blue straps.

"Now that you have done the second task that I gave you,you have to come to the peak of the mountain,but be careful,I've set traps,you may even die if you aren't careful."


As he said that,we couldn't help but gasp,it was as if you sovled 40 questions of your maths homework but it turns out that you have been given the same amount of homework in every subject.

Except the fact that training was much more straning but engaging.

"Yes,master" We both,helplessly,said in unison.It was the only thing that we could do.

"Tanjiro,you will go to the peak from another direction,follow me" said Urokodaki-san.

Tanjiro quickly followed him.

It was for a very obvious reason,if we both went in the same direction,then we could help each other,that will make this test useless since the goal of this test was to sharpen an indivisual's senses.

I started running in the direction master told me to go in,after running for a while,I find myself in the middle of a forest,I couldn't identify anything around the bushes.

I can hardly see what is infront of me.

Sunddenly,I hear some voice from the bushes,I didn't turn to see what it was,and just jumped with as much strength as I could.


It was a trap,it was trunk of a tree,but it wasn't too big and was coming with enough speed to crush every single bone in my body.

"Ah,damn,this is hell!" I screamed internally.

I don't remember what kind of traps there were but I remember running,running without stopping.

I see a house infront of me,but I can't feel my legs anymore.


I enterned the house,but I couldn't hear much,there was food infront of me and master was sitting near it.

I don't remember much,but he said something like "go eat", I ate my food,and went to the room in which Nezuko was.

I took the blanket and slept.

The next day...

I open my eyes,and I,unlike Tanjiro,whoose entire body was hurting,felt full of energy and there was no fatigue as if yesterday's hellish training didn't happen.

"ah yes,I feel better than ever!" I exclaimed.

The body that I got from the god is really great.

Both I and Tanjiro get ready for today's training as well.

Hence,We started training diligently.

After a year....

A black haired youth was running at an astonishing speed to reach the peak of the mountain.This youth was,of course,Harada.

During this year of his training,his stamina had increased a lot.

Not only that a lot of things happened.Nezuko started her hibernation,Urokodaki-san called for a doctor from somewhere,the doctor couldn't find anything wrong with her body

And Urokodaki-san now taught them a lot more than before.

Sakonji explained his profession as a Cultivator to us, as well as how to join the Demon slayer corps: surviving the Final Selection. To prepare us for this trial, and to see if we is worthy of even being able to participate in it,

Sakonji began to train us in the way of the sword. He explained the intricacies of the weapon and the forces behind it, sparring with Tanjiro and me to improve our endurance using only his bare hands. Alongside this, he trained the us in proper breathing techniques, slapping our stomachs when we failed to get it right.

Finally, after a year has passed, the elder tells us that he has nothing more to teach, instructing us to prove ourselves by improving the basics we have been taught. He then led us to two huge boulders,one for me and the other for Tanjiro respectively,telling us that if we can cut it in half, we will be permitted to go to the Final Selection.

"Ah I can soemwhat remember this scene from the anime,in the anime Tanjiro got help from those two dead diciples,of course,I am not going to wait for them and do nothing.

Even they don't help me,I think I have completly learned 'water breathing technique'.

It is said to be the most common Breathing Style among demon slayers due to being the easiest to learn for beginners

It has ten forms and Water Breathing is a Breathing Style that mimics water, specifically the flow, flexibility and adaptability of the liquid and replicates it with the user's movements, techniques and abilities. Most, if not all, known techniques involve the user bending their body, arm and weapon in a flowing motion. Users that have mastered Water Breathing visualize themselves seemingly creating and manipulating water when unleashing its techniques.

"I wonder how long it will take me to reach that level?"

Disregarding that thought of mine,I focused on the boulder in front of me.

It was 5 meters wide and 7 feet tall.

I think I'll have to use the first form in which the user generates enough momentum to create a powerful single concentrated slash.





I shout as I try to strike the blouder in half,but it didn't have any effect.

There was hesitation in me for a stupid reason,and the reason was "what would happen if I break my blade?"

"The heck am I thinking!?,if this blade breaks then I'll just get another one.


I concentrate my full focus on my breathing,I imagine myself being water itself,filled with momentum,and feel the weight in my and



The blade didn't even stracth the boulder at all.

Easy to learn for begginers?What a joke!

But I calmed myself thinking that I can't just learn it in a day.

The next day...

I tired again,

1 time

10 times

100 times

1000 times

Everytime,I use the water breathing perfectly,then why can't I cut the boulder in half?!

5 days passed

20 days passed

79 days passed

Harada still couldn't cut the boulder in half,yet He started feeling something.

I felt the something but didn't how to understand what it was.

It was a feeling he couldn't understand.

80 days passed

100 days passed

One his 101st day,

Harada was able to feel it.

He could feel water on his blade,

He felt as if his blade was as heavy as he wanted it to be,yet still as light as it was before.

He felt as it he and his blade were one.

He had an undescriable feeling.

He focused on his breadthing.

He gripped his sword with niether too much power nor too little.

He striked once again.


A sound of a slash pleasing to the ears could be heard.

Harada had cut the boulder in half.

To be continued....