Chapter 12. No title


On a road,there was a black haired youth walking as fast as he could.

"My body still hurts a bit and I can't even find a cart like the last time,well not all things go as planned,do they?" thought Harada after looking behind to see if there was any kind of vehicle.

After his first mission,he started going straight to the village 30km away in west,since there was also a demon and his second mission as well.

"This is just a little fatigue,but if I fight the demons like this,then my chances of survival will be lowered,but I can't afford to wait until next day before reaching the village" The idea of going to that village next morning and spending today's night safely somewhere,was very tempting.

Yet,he knew that this fatigue isn't too much for him to bear,as he has been through a lot worse during the time of his training.

"No,I will reach the village as soon as I can,kill the demon and save the people I can save" Harada thought.

Of course,he knew that he could never save everyone from demons,he had his limits,he couldn't save the children,the capenter's child or any other victim of that fat demon,yet he didn't feel guilt,he felt sad,but not guilt.

What was there to be guilty about? This is what life is,no matter how much you cherish your loved ones,no matter how much you want to be with them,life will always be fragile and they can be taken away from you in a blink of an eye.

Thus,feeling remorse or crying is fine,only natural,but you should never dwell on the loss.

This was the mentality of Harada,he had people whom he cared for yet most of them were taken away from him,they were his family in this life.

Yes he mourned for their deaths but didn't dwell on it,instead he started focusing on his two siblings whom he so dearly loved.

"I wonder where Tanjiro is?" Harada pondered.

"I wish he is safe,killing demons" he could only wish for his brother's wellfare.


At evening,

On a road,there was a youth walking with a bavk straight like an arrow.

He had black hair and was wearing a black coloured Haori.

This youth was,without a doubt,Harada Kamado.

Currently,he was about to arrive at his destination.

"Hah,It's a good thing that it's still evening,not dusk,I still have time to make preparations."

The preparations that Harada made were simple,so much that some people may not even call it a preparation.

Yet it was very effective.

The preparations were,

1)Gather intel to have a rough idea about the demon's powers.

2)Give his body a little rest,at least even a bit.

He didn't take rest on his first mission because he was in a cart for the most part.


After entering the village...

Harada looked for some rumors,tehy were actually the best way to get intel,but he didn't rush it,he ran all the way to this village,so he needed to take rest.So he decided to sit down and and eat something in the marketplace first.

"Hey have you heard the rumor about the demon who lives in a well?

"Ah,I don't even believe in demons" said the man wearing blue clothing.

"It is said that whoever visits that well at night get's swollowed by it,and never return" said the brown clothed man.

As I heard that I turned around and asked them,"Can you tell me which well?" Harada asked.

"Well,the well is near the foot of the mountain,want me to take you there?" the brown clothed man asked.

"Why not,please guide me" I said humbly.

After walking for a while,we arrived at the well,

There were a lot of people surrounding the well and it looked as if they were thinking of what to do

It looked like a normal well from every angle.

But one couldn't unsee the blood splattered around the well.

"What should we do?"

"I suggest that we fill it with rocks"

Those people were dicussing these ideas.

I didn't say anything.

"I have just arrived in this village,and these people don't even know me,if I try giving them ideas,then they won't heed it,and may even get offended,I better keep quite" Harada thought.

Then in just a few minutes,people started throwing big rocks inside the well,after a while,when it was dusk,all of them fled.

Perhaps even they knew that if there really is a demon in this well as thw rumors say,then even the rocks may not be able to stop it.

Harada thought the best way to get to the demon would be by making it come out of the well itself.

And so,he hid himself in the bushes nearby.

"If the demon sense's my presence and dosen't come out,then I'd use another way."

After a few hours,

Harada continuously stayed still in the bushes,there were a lot of mosquitoes,yet he endured them all.

After another few hours,

By now,everyone in the village has gone inside their houses.

Suddenly,Harada heard some noise from the well.

The well was mostly filled with huge rocks that the villagers had thrown in but...


He saw an arm,completly grey like a stone.

He saw the demon's entire body as he analysed.

The demon had grey skin,long hair,and it actually had gills!

That explains how it stayed inside the well all day.

Harada wanted to cut this demon down as soon as possible,but then he thought,

"It's still close to the well,I'll wait for a bit"he thought.

As expected,the demon moved farther away from the well,going to the nearest house.

After it was 60 meters away from the well,Harada came out of the bushes.

He took slow and silent steps and followed the demon.

The demon noticed that someone was near him,and so he tried to reach the well as soon as he can so that he can hide in it.

To this demons,humans weren't the creatures that could live in water for so long.

As he abandoned his humanity and became a demon,he could now even breadth inside the water.

"Hehe,even if they want to kill me,nobody should be foolish enough to follow me into the well to fight me" Thinking that,the gill demon turned around to return to the well as fast as he could.

But his speed on the ground was limited.Not much fatser than average humans.Even It's sight wasn't any better

Suddenly,someone attacked him.

A boy with black hair and a black blade.

This boy was,of course,Harada.

The blade wasn't black but since it night,the dark blue colour seemed like black.

It was a horizontal slash with enough force to completly slice a boulder in half.

But the demon somehow dodged the attack the a hair's distance.

Harada didn't stop and striked continuously.

"Water's breath: Second Form: Water Wheel "

He made a horizontal strike and slashed the demon's torso,it was a deep wound.

"You're dead" Harada said with a cold expression.

"Water's breath:Seventh Form: Piercing Rain Drop" Harada shouted in his mind as he made an accurate stab,directed at the head of the demon.

The sword pierced the demon's head.

But he didn't stop and repeated the "Seventh form" and kept stabbing the demon continuously in the head.

Demon blood was splattered all over,and demon was fiercely waved his hands in all directions,making a last ditch effort.

As the demon's body started to turn into ash.

Tonight I killed my second demon,I felt as if I had accomplished something big.

Then the crow came,"Harada,Harada,It's a good thing that you're alive"

"for your third mission,you have to go to the village 20 km south from here"

"You're doing a good job,you have already earned 200,000 yen, your first salary, you can withdraw that money from where the main branch is."

"But for now,you should focus on doing missions"

"Okay,my little crow" I said while sighing.

To be continued.....