Chapter 17.Blades and the infinity train


Our rehabilitation training has been completed and our blacksmiths have come with our new swords.

During the fight on Natagumo mountain,most of us had damaged thier blades.

"I should probably be polite with them as I nearly broke my sword" Harada thought.For those smiths,weapons made by them were precious,damaging the blade would be akin to damaging thier reputation as a capable blacksmith.


During Afternoon,

Four masked men arrived at the butterfly mansion.

One of them rushed towards Tanjiro.

"How dare you break your blade? If you're truly a master swordsman,then you wouldn't have broke your blade!!" asked the octopus masked smith,seemingly agitated.

"I'm very sorry for my mistake,I'm still learning to be a master swordsman,pleass forgive me this time" he said.

"Hmph,better be sure not to break your blade then!" said the octopus masked smith.

"Here are your blades" the other smiths said at once,as if to stop the octopus masked smith from talking any longer.

I got my blade back

As soon as I grabbed the hilt of the blade,it turned dark blue,the colour was even denser than before.

If one didn't look closely,then they'd think it's colour is black.

This time,as he was holding the blade,he could feel it's weight.

It was as heavy as several tons yet I could feel as if it was as light as a feather in my hands,a part of my body.

It gave off a mystical feeling,

Harada remained completly silent as he focused his full attention on the blade.

It's hilt was like a boulder,

It's blue blade was like an ocean,

It's weight was like of the tsunami,

He could,at this moment,feel an entire ocean in the blade.

He stopped paying attention to whatever that was happening around him,he had thoughts in his mind yet he wasn't involved in them.

His entire being was focused on the blade,

At this moment,he felt that he was nfinitely close to the blade eventually becoming one with it.

He became the tsunami,

He became the ocean,

And just then,the rain started,he could feel the raindrops on the surface of his ocean,he could feel their force.

He,at that moment,had an enlightenment.

"Water has infinite forms,then why must I be retricted to only the ten forms?

I feel as if the force of any of those ten forms can be added to each and every strike of my blade."

Harada,at the moment had forgotten,everything around him,yet his understanding of the water's breadth became even deeper.

He didn't know how he entered this state,

But he didn't care,his gains from this experience were immense.

He focused on the people around him.

Tanjiro was holding his black blade,

And inosuke had damaged his both blades to make them suit him perfectly which caused his smith to nearly have a heart attack.

He wasn't only seeing this happening,

He could feel it,although not entirely.


After a few hours,

The smiths left the mansion after resting for a while.

Zenitsu,Inosuke and Harada were now resting after eating lunch.

"From tomorrow onwards,we will have to go o mission like before,right?" Zenitsu said while laying on his bed.

"Yes,but it will also give us a chance to save lives" I said.

During these days,it felt like time was running faster than usual.

"Where is kojiro?" Inosuke asked.

"I don't know" I said

"He must be flipping the coin for Kanao" I thought.


The next day,

We got a new mission

it was to go on a train to meet the fire Hashira,there were rumors about demons lurking in that train.

"This is going to be good!" Harada exclaimed.

In the Evening...

On a station were four youths standing,

They were Inosuke,Harada,Zenitsu, and Tanjiro.

Currently,they were boarding the train.

As they entered the train from the backdoor,everyone looked at them with eyes that said "Why do these people have swords?!"

Of course,we ignored them.

After walking for a few minutes in the train,we found a guy sitting and eating his food while saying "Good" after every bite he took.

"Are you the Flame hashira Rengoku san? I inquired even though I knew it was him.

"Yes,you must that Kamado boy,right? You can sit" He said.

For the next few minutes,nothing much happend.

I knew that Tanjiro would ask about the fire god's breath,which he did.

Suddenly,A demon came out of the ceiling and started crawling.

Rengoku san,of course,killed it with ease.

"Ah,Rengoku-san please make us your Tsugukos,please"

We all said in admiration.

"Hm,okay,you all are talented enough for that,From this moment,you're all my Tsuguko"He said.

A Tsuguko is an exceptionally talented combatant of the Demon slayer corps who is designated as the apprentice and eventual successor of one of the Hashira.

What could be better than this?

After a few minutes,the T.T. came.

We gave our tickets to him and then

We fell asleep.



In a big mansion,

I felt as if I was in a room,laying on a bed comfortably.

"Ah,where am I?" I thought.

"Dear,are you awake now?" A woman asked.

"Who is it?" I asked perplexed.

"Oh,are you kidding me now,I am your wife,Shinobu Kamado" She said.

"Eh,when did that happen?" I thought,a little surprised.

After a moment of trying to make sense of the situation I recalled how I killed Muzan,Nezuko became human and married Zenitsu,

Inosuke married Aoi Kanzaki,Tanjiro married Kanao and I married Shinobu.

Tanjiro and Kanao lived with us.

I and Tanjiro opened a sweet shop,the bussiness was booming.

We had enough money as hashiras were given as much money as they wanted.

We had a few million yen in total,according to this time period,we were one of the richest people in this country.

But still,having an occupation feels good.

"Last night,I didn't sleep because I had to do 'something with Shinobu' so I was a little tired and slept for a bit longer" I recalled.

After a few minutes,Shinobu entered the room,she was wearing a purple kimono.

She came close to me and asked

"Are you okay?" In a gentle voice,while smiling at me

"Ah,her scent is soo good!" I thought as I replied "Yes,I am okay"

I got up from the bed as I said that.

I washed myself,got ready for the breakfast.

"Good morning Nii-san" Tanjiro said.

"Mhm,good morning Tanjiro" I replied with a plain expression.

As I was eating the breakfast,

I could feel the warmth of it.

"Wait...this feels a bit too perfect,I mean,didn't Shinobu die in canon?" as I thought that I understood that this wasn't real.

However Tanjiro and I finished our breakfast.

Tanjiro went to the shop.

"I'll come to the shop in a second" I said to Tanjiro as I made my way to my room.

I was sitting in the center of my room currently.

"This is a dream,this is a dream,yet It's so great!" I was really excited,even though my life was on the line,I had a wife!!

Ever since I became a demon slayer,I knew I could die if I wasn't careful enough and most probably won't ever have a wife.But now!!

I had a wife!

And my wife is the insect Hashira!

Can you believe it!"

I thought blissfully.

But then,I calmed my thoughts.

"The demon should be at the top of the train,to get out of this dream,I need to cut myself,for that I'll need my blade,and I can get my blade as soon as I accept that this is all a dream and not reality"

"I know this is a dream,and my life is on the line,let's try summoning my blade"

Just as he thought of his blade,blue light started glowing from my right hand and the next second,I ahd my blade with me along with my black haori and demon slayer uniform.

"Shinobu,come here for a second" I said.

"If this is a dream,then I might as well take full advantage of it before getting out,I really just don't know if I'll get the chance to do this in the real life" I thought while getting excited.

I put my blade and Haori aside as I waited for Shinobu to come.

"Okay" Shinobu said as she made her way to my room.

"Close the door" I said in a low voice.

"Wha-...what are you saying?" She said seemingly embarrased.

"Exactly what you heard" I said,with a smile on my face.

She closed the door as she sat next to me.

"Okay,Harada,be a man!! You can do this,this is just a dream!!" I thought to myself while trying not to scream in my excitement.

I took a deep breadth.

I put my palms on her cheecks,as I started kissing her.

After a few seconds I couldn't hold back,so I put my right hand on her ass,but she said

"Listen,I won't really stop you from doing this if you want to during the night,but not during the day,okay?" She said gently,holding her breadth.

Her face had turned red and there was no voice coming from outside the room,well,Tanjiro wasn't at home,that's a good thing.

"Okay" I said as I grab her as with more force.

"If we are not doing it,let me at least I should get the feels that I need for my motivation to fight the demons!!" I thought as Shinobu slowly put my hand away.

And then exited the room.

I put my black haori on as I grab my blade,out the blade on my neck and


I cut my neck.

To be continued...