Chapter 20. No title

In the evening,

In the butterfly mansion,

There was a heavily injured black haired boy.

This boy was Harada.

He slowly seemed to open his eyes.

"It feels like my ribs are now okay.Am I now in the butterfly mansion?" He analysed the situation.

"But really,the dream that the demon Enmu showed me was actually really great!" He thought.

He thought of the moment in which Shinobu was ready for that but it was a dream and it could be his reason for death if he didn't exit the dream.

"Ah,well whatever,as long as Muzan dies and I survive, I can marry any woman I want if not Shinobu" He reassured himself.

He didn't really care who he married as long as it was a girl and he lived a happy life with a family.

Just as he was thinking that,he heard someone's footsteps.

"Who is it?" Harada asked in a calm voice.

"Harada-kun,are you now feeling well?" The person who came was the insect hashira, Shinobu Kocho.

"Yes,I am fine now,thank you very much for asking me that." I said,slightly surprised.

"Why is she asking me this?!"

"What's happening with my life?!"

"Well,I asked the god to make me lucky but her being interested in me would be too much, wouldn't it?"

"No no no,calm down Harada! Don"t just assume something like this just because she asked you about your injuries!!"

"How can I be so lucky?"

Countless thoughts like that popped up in Harada's mind right now.

Even though he was calm on the outside,he was shy on the inside.

Awakward silence filled the room...

cough cough

"Great job killing the demon,Harada kun, but you must be careful when fighting demons,get well soon,okay?"

she said and exited the room without waiting for his reply thinking " Argh, I should've thought about what I had to say befire entering the room.

But who cares...though he really may die young if he keeps taking risks like that when fighting demons." She thought

After doing some research on him and his background, it turned out that he had quite the great talent when it came to swordsmanship.

It wasn't the first time that there was someone talented in the demon slayer corps, it's just that they all died young without being able to truly mature.

She really didn't want another talented demon slayer to die just like that.


Harada was dazed for the next few minutes, he couldn't process what had just happend.

"I really did a good job asking the god to make me lucky!" he exclaimed as he lay down in the bed.


Next week,

Harada was stretching his body.

In the last week,Shinobu had tried to talk to him several times, the first few times,she couldn't talk for long.

But after a few days, Harada thought of a topics to talk about and so their conversations started.

Tanjiro,Inosuke and Zenitsu were completly healed but Rengoku san hadn't.

Tanjiro and others went to the red light district with the sound pillar.

They were Rengoku san's tsuguko but that didn't mean that they'd get to go to all missions with him, and he had retired as well, so even if he had recovered, they wouldn't be able to go on missions with him.

"Harada kun,today you're going on your mission,correct?" Shinobu appeared near me as she asked.

"Yes,I have to go to another mountain,it's filled with low level demons" I said.

"Oh,I see,good luck" She said as she took her leave.


After a few hours,

At the foot of a mountain,

There was a black haired youth wearing a black haori.

This youth was Harada kamado.

He was here to kill the demons infesting this mountain.

"Looks like I arrived earlier,guess I'll rest for the time being" he thought.

After a few hours,

Night time.

"Demons I'm coming!" he said in his mind as he made his way in the mountain.

As soon as he entered the mountain,he saw demons everywhere.

He charged forward as he twisted his body.

With each strike he killed a demon.

No demon was able to survive.

His sword wasn't restricted by the ten sword styles of water's breath anymore.

Every strike contained the force of a tide.

It was just like when he was in the demon slayer selection exams.

Yet he felt an adrenaline rush that he never felt before.

Every demon that crossed his path was killed ruthlessly.

At this moment,

He became an entity that the demons feared.

The trees in his way weren't spared either.

He became an unstopable tsunami.



On a nameless mountain,

Demon blood was splattered everywhere and a young man, drenched in demon blood which was now evaporting at rapid speed due to sunlight.

"Ah,It felt great" he exclaimed as he looked at the sun that was glowing with unparralled radiance.

"By the time Tanjiro returns from the red light district, he would've nearly mastered fire god's breath and the red blade and body marks,but it will take time, at least not before he comes back from the swordsmith village, that's where he will have the most development."

Harada thought as the crow came to him and said

"Harada,you have tens of missions piled by now"

The crow said.

"Okay,now gimme me my missions as fast as you can!" Harada said entusiastically.


For the next few months,

Harada rested for the minimum amount of time and completed his missions.

Due to this,he had made a name for himself in the demon slayer corps.

Currently,he had earned 2 million yen by killing demons.

"Tanjiro had completed his mission in the red light district a few months ago and he has fought the battle with the two upper moon demons in the blacksmith village a few days ago, and he is currently resting, he has turned his blade red and Nezuko has now developed the body marks."

Harada analysed the situation as he saw his crow coming close to him.

"Harada,Harada,you now have to go to a village a few km away from here,theres a mysterious demon there,and it is claer that the demon is very strong, he has killed 107 demon slayers by now and had killed everyone in that village." the crow gave Harada another mission.

"I think I still have time for another mission before Tanjiro recovers and the hashira training starts"

Harada analysed the situation.



After a few hours,

Harada arrived at the supposed village.

The village was empty,there was no one there.

Even though it was just dusk by now,it still gave off an eeire feeling.

Harada didn't pay much attention to the eerie atmosphere as he started looking around.

He was looking for a place to sit and catch his breath.

After a few hours,


Near the village,

Harada was wandering around, looking for the demon in the process.

"Ah,you're finally here,demon slayer!!"

The sound of someone jumoing off from a branch of a tree could be heard.

That someone was the demon that Harada was looking for.

This demon looked like a muscular young man of average height with black hair and turquoise eyes.

The Demon, had gains four black, flame-like markings on both sides of his cheeks, fangs, pale skin, and pointed ears.

His eyes also receive the kanji of Upper rank and Six

"This demon's name was Kaigaku,an acquaintance of Zenitsu,he had decided to become a demon after meeting the Upper rank One,kakushibo, if I remember correctly" Harada thought.

The upper moon demons, Daki and Gyutaro had died so he became a replacement for them.

He had mediocre skill as a demon slayer but the fact that he was an upper moon also couldn't be ignored as well.

Though outwardly brash and arrogant, Kaigaku is in fact cowardly and selfish. Like many orphans living on the streets, he grew up resorting to thievery and other immoral means to survive.

This has caused him to develop an intense form of self preservation, often doing what in his own best interest at the expense of others.

"I will end you" Harada said in a cold voice.

When Kaigaku became a demon, his master commited seppoku in order to atone for his sin of raising such a disciple.

In a blink of an eye, Kaigaku rushed forward to kill Harada in one strike, but Harada dodged his attack effortlessly.

Harada was using total concentration breadthing for nearly a month, during this month, his power was increasing every second.

"Hmph,don't think you can kill me just because you're a upper rank demon" Harada said with an indifferent expression as he twisted his body and made a strike which directly cut Kaigaku's right hand in which he was holding his blade.

"Argh!How is that possible?" Kaigaku screamed as he quickly stepped back and regenerated his hand.

The reason why Harada was able to cut Kaigaku's hand was because he underestimated Harada.

He didn't even bother using his blood demon arts.That one decision of underestimating Harada now doomed Kaigaku to be killed, as he now didn't even have his blade.

For the next few hours, Harada and Kaigaku fought at a very high speed.

"Haha,how weak" Kaigaku taunted.

Harada didn't say anything as he appeared before Kaigaku in a blink of an eye and made a slash which left a deep cut on Kaigaku's chest.

"Die human!!" He screamed as his body started emmiting black thunder.

Harada stepped away from Kaigaku for a second as he then appeared behind Kaigaku and stabbed his head from behind.

"You death was a little too pathetic" Harada said as he saw Kaigaku become ash.

To be continued....