Sam's POV

My heart was in turmoil as I ran along the deserted streets of Land Green heading towards Christian's general direction with mixed feelings.

Although I was frightened, I didn't dwell in that feeling for long neither did I let it discourage me from advancing forward. I was also feeling nervous and was on edge, expecting the dragon to suddenly pop into my view and stare right back at me with those terrifying eyes it possess.

But more importantly, I was more anxious about the safety and whereabouts of christian as I kept on throwing one foot in front of another steadily making my way towards Christian's home as fast as I could.

'f*ck! I should have added his communicator's contact to mine before we parted' I cursed silently.

I came to an abrupt stop along one of the streets when I realized something was off. I had been more on edge ever since I caught sight of the dragon, that's why I was able to discern immediately that something had transpired here as there was a heavy stench of bloodlust and death in the air.

Gripping my daggers tightly with both hands, I proceeded cautiously still heading towards my original destination but at a more slower pace.

Making a turn towards my right to head down the adjacent street I was left flabbergasted and totally unprepared for what I saw next.


Lots and lots of dead titans bodies littered the entire street covering every single space available!.

"how are they even titans in this part of the city yet" I asked rhetorically.

From the pile of dead bodies on the ground it was as clear as daytime to me that this was a one-sided massacre. But the major question I had on my mind was

'just who or what was responsible for this!?'

It couldn't be a human, because no human was known to have perform such feat before, also most of the high ranked soldiers that could have orchestrated such large attack should have all been deployed to the western gate to rescue commoners and minimize the number of casualties.

'Could it be the dragon that had done this?' I wondered as my eyes went wide with surprise upon the sudden realization that the dragon might actually be the one responsible and capable enough to perform such kills.

But once again I was in the wrong, as there were no scorch marks or scratch marks, neither were they any sign of injuries that had been inflicted on the titans nor signs of blood been spilled

'just what could have killed these titans without needing to inflict several injuries on them!?

My heart was racing fast and my thoughts were running wild, and I kept pondering about what could have transpired here that had led to this one-sided killing.

Not that I was complaining in anyway.

If it was anything, I was genuinely glad about the demise of these titans and wanted to worship whoever or whatever was responsible for this.

To me the titans were nothing more than scums that were despised and had their very existence loathed to the end of the earth and back by humans.

Still lost in my thoughts and temporarily forgotten about my current problems, I stood still for quite sometime just staring dazedly into space before recalling my main purpose of being here and found my way towards Christian's house.


After searching every nook and cranny of the house and there was still no sign of Christian. I felt relieved as I figured that he would have been on his way to the evacuation centre.


I immediately let out a breathe of relief as I felt a huge weight lifting off my shoulders.

Finally heading towards the city's centre I decided to avoid using the route where I saw the corpses of the titans earlier to avoid unnecessary trouble, also slightly because I didn't like the idea of having to see such frightening sight again. And instead headed out using another route.

Taking a left turn this time around instead of a right.

Halfway into the street there were still few bodies of dead titans littered around here also, but this time around a smaller figure laid in their midst, and it was probably a human's.

Ignoring my nervousness I walked towards the human figure, intending to find out if it was someone I knew.

I don't know why but I had a sudden foreboding feeling that the result I was about to find out would be very troubling.

And true to that feeling, what I saw next made my heart fall and turned my facial expression grave as I recognized the figure laying on the floor was none other than Diana, Christian's mom.

I don't know why but tears streamed down my eyes on seeing her familiar face, as I was devastated with my shoulders slumped down.

"why are we so powerless to protect the ones we love" I asked no one in particular.

Paying my final respect to her, I observed a minute of silence for her departure before stepping closer to the corpse on the floor and closed her eyes with my palm.

Looking at her closely I observed that she was wearing a slight smile on her lips at her final moments

'at least she seemed happy on her last moment' I thought, smiling slightly.

Moving onward from there I headed down the street faster as I continued praying for Christian's safety once more.

Towards the end of the street the normal appearance of deserted buildings appearing on both sides of the roads changed all of a sudden as these buildings were on fire and were blazing fiercely.

A few meters ahead of me a figure putting on a school uniform laid there unmoving on the cold ground in the middle of nowhere seemingly exposed to the danger of the fire burning ahead of him unprotected.

I felt as if the figure's back was familiar to me and that I had seen it countless number of time before.

Walking forward and taking a closer look, my heart sank to the bottom as I recognized the figure on the floor.

It was Christian!

My heartbeat tripled in speed as I dashed forward to check if he was still alive and breathing.

Placing my head on his chest, I listened for his heartbeat and felt it beating faintly and was a bit thankful that he still had a pulse.

Taking a closer look at his face he seemed exhausted and looked pale as if he had expanded all his heavenly energy in him

Picking him up, I lifted him up on my shoulders and headed towards the city's center direction hoping to escape from the outskirts of the city alive.

We made it out of the outskirts of the city unhindered and unharmed.

Exiting from the outskirts of the city we were immediately surrounded by human soldiers and asked to state our human id number to be used for verification

"My names are Samuel Jones, an 'A' ranked citizen of Land Green and younger generation family head of the Jones family. id numbers are 4112205056" I replied

Checking my human id numbers quickly it displayed my details that were uploaded in the human net and it corresponded with all I said.

While they were checking my identify, Christian was being tended to by a rank A healer and had recovered slightly.

The healer explained that he wasn't in any form of danger from internal injury or bleeding, but from extreme fatigue as he seemed to have depleted all his heavenly energies in his body alongside his body natural energy that will take him sometime before he can recuperate.

After giving my thanks to the healer I walked back to the soldiers that had requested for my informations earlier as they were through with the process.

After confirming my details, three soldiers were assigned to escort both Christian and I to the centre safely after they learnt that I am a ranked 'A' citizen.

We resumed on our journey with full speed, with Christian still hung over my shoulder.

The soldiers assigned to guard us along the way were all trying to make small talks with me hoping to curry favors from me or wished to have a powerful family such as mine to be their backer.

I never had any interest in such people and clearly didn't want to keep on conversing with them and chose to keep my answer to their questions short and simple.

Not long into the journey several battle cries and sounds of fighting could be heard behind us seemingly coming from the camp we all had left from not long ago. The fight seemed to be a tough one as the earth shook multiple times due to the powerful shockwave created by the intense battle

A beeping sound suddenly rang out from all our communicators as it sent out a warning to us all about the presence of approaching Titans

Turning to my heels I bolted forward faster than ever, still carrying Christian on my shoulder, trying to create as much distance as possible between myself and the approaching titans.

The soldiers all ran after me as the order they were given was to escort me safely to the evacuation centre and not to indulge in any fighting until absolutely necessary.

At the camp we departed from, the soldiers there were all performing up to the best of their capabilities as they tried to hold back the titans wanting to break through into the city struggling to kill one after another regular titan as there were no other higher tier soldier of the titan's race within them.

Minutes later in the middle of the battle an order for the withdrawal of the human soldiers engaging the Titans in battle played out from the radio on one of the soldiers for all to hear.

I and the other soldiers acting as my guide also received the same message and hastened our footsteps further, as that was a clear indication of the higher council giving up on Land Green once most of it's survivors had already been rescused and only military personnels remained.

Emerging out of nowhere five Titans were suddenly hot on our tail in pursuit of us as we made our way towards the city centre.

With no chance of out running them the three soldiers whose names were Jim, Clark and Clement sprung into action.

Clark suddenly vanished to the side of one of the titans and hit it hard on it's ribs cage, and sent it flying. Teleporting to another he swung out his beast weapon sword straight ahead at the moving Titan and cut it's head off in one swift motion.

He moved and acted so fast that I was awestruck and completely speechless about the thrilling scene that played out before me.

And as if that show wasn't good enough, Jim's body suddenly glowed a bright blue color and zapped out of sight, almost instantly reappearing behind the titans in a crouched position with two beasts weapons swords in his hands as all remaining titans dropped dead without Clement taking down any.

"Are all Titans this weak?" I blurted out instantly as they all dropped dead to the floor

"No, not all are this weak" Clement replied to me while staring and walking towards the titan that was punched away and had it's ribs broken few moments ago by Clark's punch, and split it's head open into two parts with his long sword before continuing

"these set of Titans possessing scales only on its forearms and upper body area are regarded as the average soldier of the Titan race and are equal in strength and prowess to that of a rank C in our ranking system. So to answer your question, no they aren't weak because they were all killed easily, rather it was just that their opponents were far too strong and cunning for them to handle as they didn't even see the attacks comimg"

Resuming our journey, I chastised myself greatly inwardly for criticising such powerful individuals who were all probably rank B's ability users without knowing them first or their capabilities before ruling them off as weak and deemed them not important simply because they were trying to form a good relationship with me

'how childish' I lamented as I referred to my behavior earlier on towards them

Before getting to the city's centre, several other regular titans attacked us on the way but they were all quickly dealt with by Clement, Jim and Clark as they kept on displaying different arrays of battle skills.

Upon our arrival at the evacuation centre, I saw a few other soldiers gathered there waiting for safe transportation home, some were gravely injured and had been loosing lots of blood for a fairly long amount of time as they were in dire need of medical attention immediately.

Relaying this information to the command centre, the portal was immediately activated for those available to transport through.

Stepping into the portal one person at a time it eventually got to my turn, and as I approached the portal I turned back to stare once more at the city I grew up to call home and had spent most of my time in never leaving once.

Taking a deep breath I muttered a silent 'goodbye' before stepping into the portal with Christian still on my shoulder.