Holding his hand out, Christian summoned his dark ability runes, as dark mists hurriedly came out from his right hand circling round, forming a ball shape.

Sam's eyes grew wide on seeing the mists and asked amazedly with an enticed voice

"is that your ability?"

Christian simply nodded before dispersing the mists and returned his hand back to his side

Sam stood there not believing what he had just seen and it took him a short while before regaining himself.

"But how?" He asked rhetorically

"I mean we were both gifted on the same day and we haven't even gone to military school yet. Or did you have a private tutor or something?, But I heard that those were pretty expensive to hire and I don't think you guys could afford it, or did you and your mom save for it? Yeah now that will make sense. But when did he have the time to teach it to you if it was a tutor? The walls went down pretty much after the event, so when..." He just kept rambling on to himself trying to figure out just how Christian was able to use his ability so soon

"Uhn, Sameul" Christian called out looking serious once again

"I don't want anyone to know I have such an ability, and I mean anyone". He deadpanned

"Okay... But can I know why?" Sam replied taking a seat and was doubtful as to why his friend will want to hide the fact that he has unlocked his ability knowledge.

"Before my mom died, she left a warning, to me, that I shouldn't reveal this ability to anyone, that it is an original ability and we both know how the system gets about an original ability appearing" Christian replied solemnly

"Are you going to tell me how it all happened or what?" Sam asked impatiently

"Yeah right, sorry" Christian said before explaining all that had happened on the day Land Green walls fell


"And that's all I remember before waking up here" Christian declared having finished telling his tale to Sam

"No wonder you want to keep it a secret, they wouldn't even let you go through military school or get proper training and just throw you in the middle of the war if you are already that strong" Sam sighed

"so what are you planning to do now?" He asked

"you know it's not going to be easy, I mean what we are planning to do"

"We?" Christian asked raising an eyebrow staring at his friend

"Hmmph" Sam scoffed then turned his head to his side to stare at the door before continuing

"did you really think that I'll leave you to go on this suicide mission alone?" Sam asked raising a brow

"You know it's suicide and you still want to tag along?" Christian asked with a mocking tone

"Well I don't mean to brag or anything, but with my presence in this plan of yours I believe it to have a higher rate of becoming successful" Sam replied feeling proud of himself with his chest a bit puffed out

"Whatever makes your boat float" Christian replied uninterestedly,

"but I can't have them know about my power level, seriously imagine being a level six user and couldn't still use your ability after being awakened in the military school"

"But those data might already have been transferred from our school to the base already" Sam said

"I know, and that's where am stuck" Christian said letting out a deep sigh.

Both boys sat quietly, each in their own thoughts thinking of a way or possible solution to their current problem at hand

In the middle of their thoughts, the door to the room they were in opened slowly to a middle aged dark skinned man.

He looks like the perfect doppelganger of Sam but more like an aged version of him, now with beards and way more muscular body compared to Sam's.

Behind him another man wearing a white lab coat with round framed glasses could be seen stepping into the room.

He walked straight to Christian on the bed

"good morning young man, how are you feeling today?" He asked in a friendly tone with a huge smile plastered on his lips

"Fine thank you" Christian replied curtly before turning to face Sam's father and bowing deeply

"thank you very much sir for looking after me and taking out of your time to search for my mother's body sir, I'll forever be grateful" he said with his head a few inches away from touching the bed he sat on

"It's alright boy no need to thank me so much, I just did what all humans ought to do. Besides I have told you several times to not to call me sir, it makes me feel as if am still in the military and getting old already, so drop the honorifics and just call me uncle for the umpteenth time" Sam's father 'Alric' said smiling brightly with a peaceful and happy face

"Yes uncle" Christian replied scratching the back of his head looking embarrassed

The Jones family is one of the most recognized family after the 'founding families' simply because since the beginning of the war each and every male members of their family have been in the forefront of the war fighting for the human race, alongside gathering tremendous amount of wealth and resources from trading titans and ultra beasts parts also from the revenue paid to them by the government.

Sam's father Alric retired from the military early and ventured into the business world of production of modernized warcraft's and hovercars, alongside several other technological devices that were important to the current day's world.

Having invested large sum of funds and manpower into his company 'mechanised Jones limited' one can only imagine the huge gains of profits they have accumulated over the years and the number of connections they had as 'A' ranked citizens

"And you are good to go" the doctor's voice brought Christian out of his thoughts as he was done performing the necessary check-up he needed to carry out on Christian

"Okay, thank you" Christian replied bowing slightly to the doctor as he walked towards the door of the room.

Nodding at Alric as he walked past him stepping out of the room leaving the three of them behind in the room

"So Christian, can you tell me all you saw before you fell unconscious?" Alric asked calmly in a friendly tone maintaining the smile on his lips

Christian felt bad for having to lie to him but

"am sorry sir, but what I saw that day all seem like a blur, especially what killed those titans. It was moving too fast for me to see and I ended up running away only for it to catch up to me a short while later" Christian lied maintaining a stoic face

"This thing that attacked the titans, could you see what it looked like or give a simple description of it?" He asked once more with his brows knotted together obviously worried about something

Shaking his head multiple times Christian replied

"it was too fast, but it did look slender, with red eyes and claws for hands" he lied off, with a creature he read about once in a comic that was very strong and never defeated.

"Did they perhaps find out what it was? The creature I mean" he asked just to be sure they had no lead and nothing on him

"No, there were no surveillance camera in the lower district nor were there any drones deployed there so they didn't see or know what happened and still don't have any clue" he said taking in a deep breath

"anyways, it's all in the past now and there's no need to think about it anymore alright? I'll just go meet up with the doctor and speed up the discharging process so we can all get out of here" he said as he got up and strolled towards the door in large strides

"Well at least you handled that well" Sam said letting out a breath of relief

"I don't know if I should be happy that you are getting better at lying or angry about it" Sam added chuckling quietly

"What if I could wield two abilities?" Christian asked out of the blue with a serious look that made Sam know he wasn't kidding

"Is it possible?" He asked

"for you I mean, because you are full of surprises lately" he added shrugging his shoulders

"I think I could if I had an elemental ultra beast's core" Christian said determinedly

"It's really possible?" Sam asked wide eyed with his jaw slacked down

"Am not really sure, but I think it could be possible, because I can absorb dust particles from other beings with my dark ability and turn it to more dark runes. But what if I do the same to the beast's core? I mean the elemental ability of the beast is imprinted in the core and If I absorb that, then I'll be absorbing not just the beast's strength and perception but also the ability runes within the core" Christian explained with his brows crumpled together as he thought hard about it

"Well if it's a beast's core you need I can get you that easily, but I don't know if it's an elemental ability core" Sam said with a conflicted look on his face

"It's okay, if it's not I could just go to the red zone to look for an ultra beast to kill" Christian said laying back down on the bed

"Look at you being all confident and all about slaying an ultra beast" Sam joked wearing a hapless smile on his face

"Hey don't look like that, ever since the gifting event my perception has gotten a lot better and I can tell that you are going to be pretty strong if you practice enough, besides am not really happy about cheating the system" Christian encouraged reaching out to hold Sam's hand

"Hey what do you think you are doing?" Sam asked retracting his hand from Christian's hold

"you are the sentimental one and the one that needs my encouraging alright, never reverse the role ever" Sam said giving Christian a smack on the head

It wasn't that Sam was jealous of Christian or anything but more like he was thinking and coming up with ways on how to improve himself so he can catch up to Christian quickly as he had gotten a good headstart over the rest, and a powerful ability too.

While Sam was busy plotting how he was going to grow stronger, Christian was lost in his thoughts about how to venture into the red zone to find an elemental beast to slay.

The area tagged 'the red zone' is a part of all the 'Lands' where spatial openings occur frequently and large numbers of beasts roam about freely.

In some 'lands' the red zone appear mostly outside the walls but in some unfortunate ones it's within the walls. In such cases a wall is built within a thousand miles radius of the openings encasing it in a circular form and when the number of ultra beasts inside grows too large, ability users from different factions within the walls are recruited by the government to go kill off most of these ultra beasts to avoid a beast wave from happening within the walls.

Even 'lands' that have the red zone outside the walls also adopts the use of this process since 'Land Crafts' walls were brought down once due to the ignorance of the system towards the growing numbers of ultra beasts outside the wall thinking that they were safe as long as the beasts didn't get through the walls. That was until the arrival of a winged two headed beast Lord that tore down a huge part of the walls easily.

In the middle of their thoughts once again the door opened up as Alric walked in

"alright we are all good to go now including you" he announced as he pointed towards Christian that laid on the bed.