His internal strength burst out and his aura blazed around him as the strength and perception of the beast that's embedded in the core all transferred to Christian, breaking him through to the next tier.

The ranking system was developed by the military to gauge each individual's strength and prowess and ranked them accordingly from 'E' to 'X'.

The 'E' and 'D' rank both have 5 consecutive tier ranging from 'E1' to 'E5' and 'D1' to 'D5' with them being the weakest of the lot.

The number of tier doubled in value from the 'C' rank upward and ranged from 'C1' to 'C9' tier before advancing to the next rank 'B' and so on from there onward.

The beast core Christian just absorbed had strengthened his body and increased his speed substantially.

The massive wave of energy from the beast core shocked him!


Christian felt his surroundings tremble and felt his strength and speed increase by an unexpected substantial boost.

He stood there dazedly, staring at his hands in awe and wide eyes.

If he told anyone, at all, that one week after his supposed awakening, he had risen up a tier without any form of training or using spirit herbs, their jaws would have fallen to their feet.

This was Christian ability however, the dark ability that had awakened few hours after going through the gifting event, and had the potential to reach S tier.

Right now though, Christian had not mastered this special ability, having not honed himself to exploit it to the fullest.

"Did you just break through to 'E1' tier?" Sam asked with his mouth agape

"Seems like" Christian replied.

Christian retracted his aura and sat close to Sam staring dazedly ahead of him.

"Wow" Sam whistled still viewing Christian carefully with fandom eyes

"That's not all though" Christian added as he opened his palm revealing several snowflakes that took to air immediately as his hand opened.

"Is... is t-that th-e ice ability?" Sam managed to stutter out

"Sure is, guess this proves my theory right" Christian said triumphantly.

"I can wield more than one ability" he added as a massive grin formed on his face

Sam shuddered from the shocking revelation and managed to voice out

"Who are you, I feel like I don't know you anymore; first of all, you have a death like ability that's capable of ending thousands of titans in one go, then you also have a dragon as your personal guard, and now you are wielding two of the world's most strongest ability!" He said enthusiastically

"Wow, you really just made me sound awesome" Christian replied still grinning childishly.

Sam facepalmed himself at his friend dumb enthusiastic statement and let out a *sigh*

"Yeah well at least one thing still remains the same" Sam said

"Really what's that?" Christian asked intrigued

"You are still dumb, and am glad you are because at least that way you will still need me to think properly for you" he added chuckling almost silently

"Ya... Who you calling dumb?" Christian asked and proceeded to smack him on his head

Right at that time Butler Kim stepped into the room to see the friendly exchange between both boys as Sam's laughter was now very audible and sounded lively

'when was the last time I had heard him laugh like this' he thought as he stared at the smiling face of his young master

Behind butler Kim another young lady that seemed about 24 years of age with red long hair that reached Midway of her back stepped into the room.

She had an exquisite small round face with red cheery lips and slightly ocean blue eyes that felt like it could drown a person in them just by staring at it. She had well rounded figure and the fiery red gown she wore complimented her looks and hugged her body in all the right places exposing her rounded hip along the edge and her fairly big chest at the front.

She was indeed a beauty that would leave many men breathless with her stunning appearance.

She walked up to Sam and bowed slightly before speaking in a soft lovely voice

"Butler Kim here told me that you had been harmed and currently injured, so please if I may" she said as she stretched her hand forward and placed it on Sam's chest

A white glow shone from her hand that was placed on Sam's chest as she stood still. She was a healer.

A minute later she announced

"it's all done young master" she then bowed slightly before exiting the room with butler Kim

"How do you feel now?" Christian asked nudging Sam by his side

"Get your hands off me you swine" Sam replied jokingly and hit Christian's hand off him

"Yeah whatever" Christian replied him and turned to face where kelsia stood

"You can come out when it's just the two of us in the room you know" he said

At the left end of the room, dark mists flickered briefly before disappearing and revealed a female figure with long fiery red hair that cascaded down her back reaching her waist, she had dragon like eyes that were golden in colour with pale white skin, her small nose and exquisite small cheery lips were perfectly placed in her small round face.

She stood at a height of 5'8 and looked about the same age as Christian, she wore a single warm leather jacket that barely covered up to her mid thigh region thereby exposing a lot of skin.

Both boys quickly placed their hands on their noses to check if they were having a nose bleed due to the almost undressed figure of Kelsia.

"Ya, Kelsia quickly come with me I'll find you some clothes to put on" Christian said awkwardly with his face in bits of red due to Kelsia indecent exposure

"Alright master" she replied as he followed behind Christian, with Sam tailing behind them

Christian led them to his room and quickly picked a fairly large shirt of his and a short pair of pants from his travelling bag the soldiers retrieved and handed it over to Kelsia who hurriedly went into the bathroom to put on the clothes.

Sam picked up the letter butler Kim told them about earlier from the reading table and read it's contents out loud

"Good day, the purpose of this letter is make known to you that all incoming first-year students meant to attend the military school are all to arrive at the school tomorrow. A military personnel that will serve as your guide will be available at your doorstep(s) at 09:00 am, and will ensure your safe delivery to the school. Failure to comply with the details of this message will be dealt with accordingly by the military".

"Hehehe" he giggled as he placed the letter back on the table when his eyes caught something in Christian's bag.

"What's that?" Sam asked pointing to something that laid inside the bag

"How did it get in there?"

Christian who had been paying rapt attention to Sam, followed his eyesight and saw what he was pointing at.

"I don't know" Christian replied him emptying the contents of the bag, all except the sheathed sword that laid at the bare bottom of the bag, with a flask and an ancient looking book.

"I haven't seen any of these things before in our house" Christian added picking up the sword and running his hand along the edge of the sword's sheath as he picked it up.

He attempted to pull the sword out of it's sheath, but it didn't budge an inch

"Uhn, that's weird" Christian mumbled.

He added more force to pull out the sword but ended up with the same result.

"What the hell?" He questioned irritably and tried once more with more pulling force.

He accidentally grazed his finger on the sword's hilt, and a drop of his blood fell on it.

Immediately, the sword made a 'click' sound and he hurriedly pulled it out not paying attention to his slight injury or to know why the sword suddenly unsheathed.

An ominous feeling enveloped the entire Jones neighborhood as soon as the sword left the cover of the sheath.

The sword had a dark glow surrounding it and it looked like the sword was pulsating calmly, while giving off a foreboding sense of doom to everyone and everything within it's vicinity.

Several chills ran down Christian's spine when he laid eyes on the sword, his entire body was visibly shaking as he shivered uncontrollably.

He took in several laboured breathes and his heart rate spiked greatly, pounding at an irregular beat. His legs gave way and he fell to the floor with a 'thump'; he hurriedly sheathed the sword back and took in several deep breaths.

That felt like the longest and most worst few moments he had ever spent in his life.

As he laid sprawled on the floor, Kelsia who had been in the bathroom walked with a serious expression on her face. Her eyes naturally looked down at Christian that was laying on the floor, she opened her mouth to say something, but abruptly shut it, her eyes went wide in shock as she saw the sword that laid next to Christian on the floor, but it was just for a fleeting second as her expression quickly changed back to normal.

'how did that thing get here' she thought.

Her body was trembling slightly as her eyes were fixed on the sword on the floor


Outside the mansion, in the garden a man was seen on one of the trees that faced the direction of Christian's room window.

"Sir" he said into his communicator, seemingly speaking to someone else

"He's found the sword sir, and it's as you suspected, it opened to him"

"Good, anything else"

"Yes" the man replied hesitantly

"He also has a contracted beast sir; it's the third generation dragon of Azel's clan Kelsia"

"Well that's unexpected now wasn't it" the voice on the other end uttered with a hint of a slight smile appearing on his voice

After a few seconds of silence the voice said in a serious tone

"Your orders are still the same, keep an eye on him and his growth in strength. He just had an even bigger role to play in what's about to happen in all three realms"