There are currently three military bases in the world, and in each of these bases a school has been developed with the sole purpose of teaching the younger generation survival and fighting skills, and also help them gain perfect mastery of their abilities.

Private Marcus was currently escorting Sam, Christian and Kelsia to the teleporting station in other for them to get to the right base and military school.

The ride through the city heading for the teleporting station was peaceful with most of them lost in their thoughts about what laid ahead of them and they momentarily lost track of time.

"We are here" private Marcus suddenly voiced out and stepped out of the hovercar as it came to a halt

After 30 minutes or so of driving, they finally arrived at the teleporting station. The station was filled to the brim with people and the 70 or so teleporters in the hall were all crowded with 20 or more individuals queueing up in front of each one.

"Follow me"

Private Marcus said and took them to a room located in the secluded section of the station. There were fewer numbers of teleporters in here and other students of their age were gathered around, chattering amongst their selves awaiting further instructions.

Standing in front of one of the teleporters, a middle aged woman with long gray hair was seen whispering to the man standing by her side

"Is this all of them" she asked

"The first set, the second should start assembling soon" the man replied

"Alright, let's send these ones in first then" she said with an inexplicable smile on her lips.

She suddenly raised her hand towards the chattering crowd and muttered


Almost instantly, all the students fell to the floor in a deep slumber. All but the exception of one. Kelsia.

'why did she suddenly put everyone to sleep' Kelsia thought as she stared at the strange woman looking back at her confusedly.

Kelsia was able to identify that the gray haired lady was the one behind the students sudden slumber as she was the only one in the room that had exuded a bit of her internal force.

Kelsia raised her brow at the woman's facial expression and thought

'did she also expect such lowly trick to work on me' she debated further

'well seems like it. Anyways I won't do anything drastic for now as I don't sense any malicious intent from them, but if they dare attempt to harm me or my master, then I'll won't hold back at all' she consoled herself as she feigned feeling sleepy and swayed herself sideways before crashing on the floor.

"Well that was weird, I never thought a mere student could last some few seconds under your ability" the man from earlier uttered

"Shut your trap and just do your d*mn work" the grey haired lady retorted angrily, making up her mind to dig up Kelsia's information later on

"Alright" he said chuckling.

The strange man lifted up his hand in the same fashion as the woman and lifted up all the students using his telekinesis ability.

Another man dressed in a military uniform and looked to be within his mid thirties and had dark brown hair suddenly emerged from the darkest corner of the room

"It's time" he said and nodded to the others in the room.

The man in the military uniform walked up to the center of the room and his body suddenly started glowing with a warm bright light that stretched out and enveloped the entire room, blinding them for a split second.

The bright light quickly faded away, and their surrounding had changed drastically.

"Wake them up" the mysterious man in military uniform ordered staring at the gray haired lady.


She nodded then stretched out her hand once more

"Wake" she uttered

"Piiift, what the hell" a young boy laid in an awkward position with his mouth open on the bare floor suddenly shrieked out alerting others.

"Where the hell are we" another asked dazedly

"Have we been kidnapped?" another voice asked out alarmingly that led to an uproar from the other students

"Silence" the uniformed man roared angrily

The noisy and chaotic crowd immediately quieted down from such a terrifying sound

'is he even human for him to produce such sound'

'ya… that actually hurt my ears'

'what the hell, I actually got goosebumps from a mere yell… how strong is he'

Were the various thoughts running through some of the students mind as they paid full attention to the man in front of them.

"You are currently in the military school premises and we have no reason to kidnap such measly humans like yourselves that probably won't amount much to anything in the near future. That is if you could even survive and graduate from this school". The uniformed man named Frank spat out angrily.

This world is a wicked one and someone had to let these students know this bitter truth on time before they step through those gates, so it might as well be him.

These children had all lived their entire lives behind the walls, so they don't know the terrors of the outside world, they don't know what various soldiers had to do to survive out there. They don't know the amount of blood and tears those fighting for the human race had shed, the pain, betrayal and anguish they had all felt on their final moments.

The world had turned to such a place where allies turn on each other in the battlefield and ended up slaughtering themselves. A place where the strong ruled with an iron fist, an age of corruption and an era where injustice prevailed.

"You've all been protected your whole life and hardly know any trouble. But this, where you are about to step into is just the beginning of the hell that awaits all of you." He added pointing towards the direction of the school gate

"You are the next generation, and if you don't live up to the expectations of the previous ones before you and get through these trials, then am truly sorry to say this, but that will be the end of the entire human race".

"So quit whining like the children you are and start acting like a soldier that you all will be". Frank yelled once more

"Do you all understand?" He roared

"Sir, yes sir" the students answered

"Good. Once you get through the gate, head towards the Northern wing of the school, there you will see the registry point and will be instructed further on what to do."

"Now, Disperse" Frank ordered



Some students couldn't help but stare dreamily at the sight laid ahead of them behind the gate.

The school was gigantic! More than a 100 times bigger than Christian's previous middle School. Apart from that, there were technological devices and feats encompassing their circle. They had never seen such advanced technology display ever in their lives.

There were robots acting as building machines and worked away tirelessly, there were flying ships, and levitating trains moving to and fro from the school, carrying about their daily activities, mechs - advanced robots that were controlled by mech pilots were on standby for security measures and protection of lives.

Since the start of the war with the titan race, humans had managed to make quite the tremendous leap in all sort of technological fields. This was because they had salvage some types of equipments from a few Titan's ship they managed to bring down.

Christian, Sam and Kelsia stayed close to each other amongst the crowd and headed straight for the registry point while admiring the beautiful scenery of the school.

It didn't take the trio a lot of time before they found the registry point booth, and by the time they got there, there weren't many students waiting in line.

They joined the line and waited patiently for their time to sign up.

After few minutes of waiting, it finally got to Christian's turn.

"Place your communicator over the scanner" a female voice said from behind the desk.

Christian did as she instructed and placed his right wrist over the scanner like the ones before him did.







Scan complete, displaying student current details


Name: Christian Major Alfred

School: Military school 03

Age: 16

Rank: ??

Class: ??

Division: ??


"Alright, you can join the group of four over there and head to exam area 5 to take the ranking test" the lady said gesturing to where the students stood

"Thanks" Christian said curtly and walked towards the group.

Afterwards they found their way towards their allocated exam area and found a man standing there in the middle of the room, waiting patiently.

Seeing the group of students before him the man smiled brightly at them before saying

"Good, now that you are all here let me start by introducing myself. Am Kennedy Jackson and I'll be your examiner for today".

He then added "but before we start with today's test, let me explain what it's all about. This is the test that will determine your 'power level ranking' alongside your Class ranking".

"Now you all must be wondering why you have to go through this 'power level' ranking test when your level is already being displayed on your communicators right?" he asked, to which the students simply nodded as their reply.

"Well, what you don't know is that the number currently displayed on your communicators is not actually your 'power level' rank, but the number of ability runes cells in your body. Through this test, we will be confirming your current speed, strength and perception, as well as your internal strength. And those are the required criterias that will help us place you into your respective ranks accordingly"

"The ranks range from E to X, with X being the best of the best and E the worst. I encourage you to try your best as this ranking is very important".

The examiner Kennedy Jackson, is a muscular middle aged man with dark curly hair, a full well kept beard and had dark coloured eyes. He had a broad chest and shoulders and stood at a height of 5'9, he wore a white muscle shirt that exposed his large muscular arms and emphasized his broad firm chest over a pair of military pants.

He walked over to a drum like machine that had a red point in it's center in the room and explained

"This is the power machine and it will be used in measuring your strength. Just attack the red point on the machine with all your strength and it will display a number that corresponds with your current strength stat".

"And after that, the next test you'll all take will be the one to measure your speed. All you have to do is stand still in that secluded area and hologram of spikes will be shot at you with increasing speed. Your aim should be to last for as long as you can without being hit by a spike" Kennedy explained further

"And lastly this machine will be used to measure your perception and internal strength". He said walking to another machine

"You don't have to do anything in this round and just stand still for the machine to scan you and measure how many layers of internal force you have".

"Is there any question any of you would like to ask before we continue?" He asked, to which the students shook their head

"Alright, once I call your name you are to move forward and carry out the test". Kennedy said looking serious