*knock knock*

"Come in" an emotionless stiff voice invited from inside the room.


Christian opened the door slowly and peeked in the office before stepping in.

In front of the chancellor's desk, Kelsia stood still beside Sam with a slight smile on her lips, and Christian found her current facial expression very troubling

'why the hell is she smiling at a time like this' Christian thought as he walked towards the desk.

"I take it that you are Christian right?" the chancellor asked looking up at him. She was a young looking woman who looked to be within her mid thirties, she had a short blonde hair that barely reached down to her shoulders and she wore a pair of round frame glasses over her glistening hazel brown eyes that gave her a professional look.

"Yes ma'am" Christian replied

"Do you recognize these two students?" She questioned him while staring at him skeptically

Christian saw the look in the chancellor eyes while she was staring at him and found it a bit weird.

'buuh.' he shook his head mentally and threw such thoughts to the back of his mind as they weren't important for now.

"Yes ma'am, he's Samuel and she's Kelsia" Christian answered truthfully

"And what is your relationship with the young miss" the chancellor asked once more

'Kelsia' Christian quickly called out to her via their mind link

'yes master' Kelsia answered hastily, still retaining her smiling face

'what relationship did you tell her the both of us share?' Christian asked her for clarification so that he wouldn't end up saying an entirely different statement that will contradict whatever Kelsia had said earlier before he arrived

'I told her the truth, that you're my master and I am but your lowly servant' she replied him nonchalantly

'ya… this girl, I've got to have a serious talk later on with her about this master stuff' Christian thought

"My mother is a friend to her aunt, and she recently relocated from the suburbs" Christian lied without batting an eye.

He had thought of using this excuse as a last resort, since he mistakingly heard a conversation between two maids in the Jones mansion about how most individuals from the suburbs are not registered in the military web and have no human id.

"The suburbs!" The chancellor asked taken aback with a conflicted look on her face

"Well that makes sense, and it also explains why there is no information on her in our web..." she contined mumbling to herself

'those damn blocks founding family they are becoming less cooperative than ever with the military now of all times!' she thought as her face crumpled unsightly

"Well, what are you all still doing here? Just get out already. And a new identity has been created for her and she has done the test already. Just don't forget to mention this to your father, young master of the Jones family, you owe me one now." She said to the trio as they walked out of the room

"Phew… that went well" Sam said smiling

"To you that is, but now that lady might bother uncle thinking he knows about all this whereas he has no idea about it at all" Christian replied frustrated

"Will you just chill and let things take care of themselves, you worry too much" Sam said jovially hitting Christian on his shoulder

"Yeah well, I just hope nothing unprecedented happens from here on out" Christian said wearing a slight smile

"Now that, that problem is out of the way what do you say we do for the rest of the day?" Sam asked hanging a hand on Christian's shoulder

Over the past week has been really turbulent for the duo and a lot of unfortunate events had befallen them, and now that things seem to have settled down a bit both boys would really appreciate a peaceful time.

"Well… we could…" Christian had started speaking but was interrupted by Kelsia

"Master there's a training hall not far from here, perhaps we could head there and continue our training" Kelsia suggested bowing slightly at Christian

"Oh and that reminds me Kelsia, stop calling me MASTER!. My name is Christian so call me that" Christian said staring straight at her

"But master…"

"For f*ck's sake Kelsia my name is Christian, so CALL ME CHRISTIAN!" He yelled frustratedly

'for Christ sake, are all beasts this stubborn' he thought still staring at her

"Yes Christian" she replied sheepishly and her face in bits of red

'why is her face red all of a sudden' Sam thought watching the scene unfold before him

If it was up to him he would have left Kelsia to do and say whatever she desires, simply because he was afraid of what she could do once she gets angry, and to be honest he really doesn't want to live to see such a day

"That's better" Christian voice snapped him back to the present

"What do you think Sam? Should we go to the training hall?" Christian asked staring at Sam

"Sure why not, but don't expect me to come to your rescue when she crushes your ribcage again" Sam replied shrugging his shoulders

Christian's feet came to an abrupt stop when he heard Sam's statement and he turned to face Kelsia

"Hope I won't be knocking on death's door if I were to keep on training with you?" Christian asked her with a wary voice

"I won't go hard on you, I promise" Kelsia replied smiling brightly

"You better" Christian muttered and resumed walking in front of the group.


Few minutes later….

They arrived at the training hall, and the sight was too enthralling to behold.

The hall was 6.71 meters long and 8.53 meters wide, it rose up to a height of 2.4 meters and was filled to the brim with multiple fighting arena and equipments like the machines they just used for the ranking test.

Some students were already in some of the arena having a friendly match and some where by the side spectating, with a few betting money on various matches.

Christian suddenly thought of something and called out to Kelsia

"What rank did you get Kelsia?" He asked with a troubled look on his face

"Relax, I was there with her and I told her to hold back her power before taking the test, and she ended up having a C rank" Sam replied in place of Kelsia.

"Thank goodness, thanks Sam" Christian said with a relieved expression on his face.

Kelsia and Christian we're about making their way onto one of the available arena when a spiky yellow haired boy suddenly came into view and stood in front of the duo.

"Well, well, well…what do we have here, if it isn't little Christian Alfred" the yellow haired boy said with a disturbing smile on his lips.

As soon as Christian saw the person that stood before him, terrible memories from his previous school started flooding his brain.

"Mark" he uttered disgustingly

Mark was his worst nightmare in his previous school and one of the biggest bullies he had come across. He's a direct descendant of the Blocks founding family and head of the younger generation, so it's understandable where his cockiness spawns from.

He was very strong, stronger than Sam even and was considered a tyrant, and since Christian was considered weak he was always bullied by him and his gang and used as a punching bag whenever Mark wanted to 'let out some steam'.

"What do you want?" Christian asked agitatedly

"Ooh, you've become fiesty and I like that. What do you say to a little friendly match between the both of us" Mark said with a sinister smile on his lips

"He's not interested, but thanks for your suggestion" Sam replied in place of Christian and walked up to his side

"Oh, and the loyal dog shows up, and here I was wondering when you were going to bark" Mark retorted with an even bigger smile on his lips

"Whatever you say your majesty" Sam said sarcastically.

Sam hated the fact that he couldn't wipe that smug look off his d*mn face because he was stronger than him, and aside from that, there was an unwritten law passed to never harm any of the founding families members except if they have committed a grave offence. Scrap that even, there was no one in their right mind who could ever dream of touching the founding families. They were households that always produce an S tier in every generation since the war and had tremendous amount of wealth and connections throughout the globe. Hell, not even the military could dream of touching them not to talk of the measly Jones family.

Mark was also aware of this, and that only bloated his haughtiness to the extreme. So one could only imagine how infuriated he was when a no rank citizen turned his back to walk out on him. He felt his blood boil and his head grow ten times larger in anger

'how dare they turn their worthless backs on me' he thought and reached out to grab Christian's arm, gripping it hard.

"He dare you turn your backs on me" he roared.

Instead of a reply, what he got in response was a bone shattering punch to his right jaw that sent him flying

"How dare you touch what's mine?" Kelsia yelled, infuriated by the fact that a puny human like him laid it's hand on her master and even had the guts to hurt him.

"Now you've gone and done it bitch" another loud voice echoed in the large hall, followed by a barrage of attack on Kelsia.