"Ugh!" Christian groaned waking up.

Christian flustered his eyes open to an extremely blurry vision, as he felt a bit light-headed and groggy, with his throat sore. He blinked a few times to clear his vision as memories of what happened before he lost consciousness flooded his head, giving him a pounding headache.

He groaned while reaching to run his hand over his face but soon discovered that his hands were tightly bound. 

His gaze immediately fell on his lower body and he sneered in annoyance when he saw his limbs being bound to a metal chair with strong ropes.  He focused his strength on his wrists and tried to break himself free, but for some reason, he couldn't as the muscles in his wrist's area all felt extremely weak, and he could hear a faint sizzling sound coming from the area where the ropes made contact with his skin. 

He scanned his surroundings and observed that he was still in his dorm room with two other figures with him, staring blatantly at him. 

One gracefully sat on one of the available beds in the room, while the others leaned on the wall opposite his direction. 

"You're awake!" Kelsia said enthusiastically, bringing him out of his daze. Gaping at Christian,  she sprang to her feet and stood towering over him. Her face gleamed brightly under the dim light from the moon, and her curvaceous body that held ample fat in all the right places, giving her an alluring figure stood before Christian. 

'was she always this pretty?' Christian wondered with a blank look on his face

'ah, what am I thinking' he lamented inwardly 'She's a beast adapting a human form… thinking about dating her? fat chance!'

"Are you alright?" Kelsia asked tilting her head to the side with an innocent look on her face

'are you serious Kelsia…. Why the hell do you have to make such a face, besides, since when did she start looking cute in my eyes' he groaned inwardly Maintaining a stoic face not replying her

Christian didn't understand what had come over him and why he had started viewing Kelsia in a different light, all he knew was that his heart wouldn't stop beating fast since the moment he laid eyes on her after waking up. 

Sam saw Christian spacing out a bit and he found it weird because Christian was the type of person that always maintained a clear mind and a cool head even when placed in a difficult position, so he couldn't quite understand the reason why he was spacing out so much. 

"Christian!" Sam suddenly called out and grabbed his attention "Man I don't understand you anymore, just give me one good reason why you hid the fact that you are a vampire away from me!" 

"were you afraid that I was going to judge you, abandon you? expose you,? Or even harm you!?" Sam asked in one breath. "Dude I thought we were brothers, and I thought we both kept nothing from each other, did you really think so low of me that you couldn't entrust me with such secret!" Sam complained, letting out his pent-up anger and frustration towards Christian. 

Sam couldn't understand why Christian decided to hide something as huge as this from him. Although he'd agree, that knowing his best friend is a vampire wasn't an easy pill to swallow and somehow left him frightened; but he felt that the least Christian could have done was to let him know the truth and determine what to do from there on out! But for him to keep such a secret away from him in all the years they've been friends… just left him heartbroken, as there was not a single detail about everything going on in his life that he hadn't let Christian known about. Maybe every detail except that of his mother as he still hasn't come to terms with that one yet. 

Christian looked towards Sam and naturally saw the pain in his eyes, he knew Sam had misunderstood him and the entire situation, thinking he had been a vampire from birth hiding the truth away from him. 

But what no one knew was that Christian had no idea about the existence of vampires previously, neither did he know he was one, until today, and he too was nevertheless shocked about the whole revelation. 

"No Sam, you've all gotten me mistaken, I had no idea about the existence of vampires, neither did I know I was one, until today!" he hurriedly explained to Sam shaking his head, trying to clarify the whole situation 

"you see that book over there, next to the flask, there's a note inside written by my father, he said it holds the truth to everything that's happening to me now and will help me understand. Even I don't have any idea about what's going on!. Besides, what all that shitty talk about me hiding this stuff from you? I just got to know about this all today! And am really f*cked up knowing about all this shit!" Christian lamented as tears started falling down his face… 

"Am lost here bro, I don't know what to believe and not what to, in a single day, my entire life changed, and I've got to know that my parents weren't humans, am a freaking vampire! Oh, and guess what? am labeled as a 'curse' where am supposedly from; 'hehehe' isn't that funny" Christian laughed bitterly with teary red eyes that were slightly puffed from crying. 

Sam swore he felt his heart 'crack' when he heard all that Christian had to say, he loathed himself for having such a low IQ and didn't think about the whole situation properly from Christian's point of view and acted out of emotions like a jerk!

Sam hung his head low in shame, not daring to look at Christian in the eye any longer as he remorse over his actions. 

Kelsia's face frowned a little when she heard what Christian said…

'Even him don't know anything about the shadow realm? just what is going on here!?' she wondered.

Kelsia had this odd feeling that something big was about to happen around Christian soon and that Christian will need her help now more than ever, else he won't survive. 

She had been finding this whole trip boring and tiring the entire time and had contemplated going back to her realm. Truth be told, even if she were to return to her realm nothing would happen to the bond between her and Christian, as what she had told him earlier at the time they were bonding was all a lie she made up so she could be close to him and understand the kind of person he was… 

Christian suddenly broke the awkward silence between them and asked with a serious gaze "what did you guys mix this rope with? Because I can feel it burning my skin"

Kelsia rolled her eyes at how quickly Christian could change demeanor as if he wasn't the one shedding tears like a baby a minute ago. Nevertheless, she still replied to him 

"the rope is mixed with a heavenly herb known as vervain. It's extremely harmful to vampires as it weakens them, and burns their skin on contact. They are very rare because of this effect they have on vampires, as the vampire tribe had almost exterminated them all, leaving behind a little quantity protected by the divine army of the celestial realm." kelsia explained nonchalantly then said 

"So let me get something straight," Kelsia said with a concerned look on her face. "you weren't a vampire until today?" She asked Christian, to which he nodded.

"But you were the one that drank the vampire blood in the flask right?" 

"yeah, and that's when everything went wrong" Christian replied shrugging his shoulders 

"but it still doesn't make any sense!" Kelsia groaned, "if your parents were vampires then you should be a vampire from birth! not to be turned through vampire blood!" She reasoned, "Ah, this is really confusing" She sighed settling back on the bed

"Let's leave all of that behind, for now, what am more concerned about now is how our roommate is faring" Christian said looking troubled. 

"Oh, him? Don't worry I've already taken care of him and ensured he won't recall anything about today" Kelsia replied confidently. Christian's jaw slacked to the extreme and his eyes went round in panic when he heard what Kelsia said, his first thought was Kelsia had killed him!. Although the both of them shared a bond, he still hasn't known her for long and wasn't used to her yet, as he had his guard up against her, and couldn't predict what her reaction would be in such a situation and didn't trust her fully. At least not yet. 

"what do you mean by you have taken care of him and he won't be able to recall anything about today?" he asked suspiciously

Kelsia naturally saw the panicked look on Christian's face when she gazed at him, and she vaguely figured the thoughts running through his mind. 'hmmph' she scoffed then turned her head sideways avoiding Christian's gaze, and suddenly replied "I'll have you know that am not just some mindless beast that'll just take a human life out of instinct, besides all I did was use an ancient technique to block his mind and stopped him from remembering any event from today, so you don't have to make such a face you know" Kelsia said pouting her lips. 

Christian's panicked expression faded away from his face swiftly as he listened to Kelsia speak, his face flushed with relief and he smiled awkwardly, apologizing to Kelsia "Oh, that's good, and am sorry for doubting you Kelsia" Christian said smiling lightly, "then could you guys be proper people for at least two minutes and untie me from this chair" he added. 

"can you guarantee that you won't attack both of them for blood if I were to untie you from that chair," kelsia asked nonchalantly as if she could care less about whatever happened to Sam and the other student afterward. Christian's nose twitched slightly when he heard what Kelsia had to say, and dropped his head low 'right, I need to learn how to control my thirst for blood' he thought donning a troubled expression

Sam suddenly lifted his head then walked towards Christian, and untied him from the chair, "am sorry for not listening to your side of the story before concluding and lashed out at you wrongly"  Sam said apologizing to Christian

"it's okay Sam," Christian said placing his hand on Sam's shoulder, "I know you mean well, let's just sleep on all that had happened today and figure out how to proceed tomorrow " he added exhaustedly.