"System!?" Christian asked in a naive voice and widened eyes. 

"yes, and you are now my host!" he heard the voice reply 

"wait, just wait for a minute," Christian said and shook his head "how the hell did you get in my head? And how did I obtain your so-called system?" he asked 

"well, you're going to have to sit down and listen properly for this part" the female voice replied enthusiastically 

"will you just answer the question!" Christian said annoyed 

"All alright, alright, so where do I start from? Hnn… let's see…" the female voice said pondering

"Aah, how about I start by introducing myself?… My name is Samantha Laila, the vampire lord of the Laila household, and an old acquaintance of your father. He was the one that created this system and everything acquainted with it. Your parents and I were longtime friends from our teenage days and we practically grew up together, going on different expeditions around our realm. I was even saved by your father a countless number of times and owed him several favors. Our lives at that time were pretty good and we were closer than ever, that was until Diana became pregnant, and everything changed for the worst, &&&«« »»???"

"Uhn, miss Samantha, I can't understand what you are saying anymore" Christian said a bit irritated.

Suddenly a square-shaped blue screen appeared before his eyes, floating in midair, and displayed a message.

[ the guide has revealed more than sufficient information allowed to the user, and will further be restricted...] 

Christian's eyes widened and his jaws slacked to the extreme when he saw the virtual screen before him...… 

"wha-" he almost yelled out, and couldn't help but be shocked!.  

The female voice 'Samantha' suddenly said; "oopies, seems like I've said too much… 'hahaha" She chuckled nervously then continued "please don't mind my yapping, I've always been an outspoken person, and I really got excited a minute ago wanting to tell you everything at once, and I momentarily forgot about the rule. tch! But still, your father was always too careful, what's the need to put a restriction to the amount of information I can give to you at once when you'll eventually know about it all in the end" she said in a bored tone 

"why would he do that? Doesn't he want me to know what truly happened?" Christian asked feeling a bit dejected 

"No, he does want you to know, and that's my reason for being here, to guide you throughout the process. You see, your father designed the system to be like a virtual reality game, where you have to complete missions and certain tasks, in exchange for more information about your birthplace and helping you grow stronger." Samantha explained 

Christian mouth formed an 'O' shape and he nodded his head as a sign of understanding.

"oh, I think I get it now," Christian said, "the system is just like a video game that will enable me to gradually grow stronger, and achieve different levels by the quests I complete, and in return for completing these quests, more information about the shadow realm, and what happened to my parents would be revealed to me gradually right?" Christian asked. 

"Yeah, that's one way to explain it, but honestly speaking, the system is too sophisticated and even I barely understand anything about it. My role here is to solely guide and advise you during your entire journey of becoming the 'Overlord'" Samantha said. Christian eyes narrowed a bit when he heard what Samantha said and his forehead slowly creased, he then asked,

"If your function in the system is just to guide me, then how will these missions that you're talking about be assigned to me?" 

"the system is responsible for all of that" Samantha replied nonchalantly "and don't bother asking me about how it will be able to accomplish it, because even I don't know." 

"you don't seem to know a lot of things about the system for a guide" Christian muttered 

"what was that? Did you say something?" Samantha asked 

"Nope definitely didn't" Christian replied hastily. 

"but there is still one thing I still don't get though, how did both you and the system end up in that book? Besides, I've made contact with the book more than once, why didn't I obtain the system then rather than now?" Christian asked with a serious tone 

"Well, to answer your first question, my consciousness was bound within the system by a magic spell, and was then sealed into the book by another spell and the blood of your father, and it could only be broken by the blood of his direct descendant, which is you" Samantha explained. "And the answer to your second question is quite simple, you didn't get the system then because you hadn't evolved into a full vampire" Samantha added, metaphorically shrugging her shoulders. 

Christian stayed quiet after Samantha replied to him and was lost in his thoughts. 

'can I trust this Samantha lady?' Christian wondered 'do I even have a choice not to? I mean, she magically appeared in my head when I woke up after making contact with the book and fainted. And according to her, it seems that dad had prepared all of this beforehand, to guarantee my safety before he passed away, although I don't like the part where he's keeping their past a secret from me until I get strong enough, I don't have an avenue to pass my complains to him now do I?' thought Christian. 

'but I'll have to admit, it's all a win-win situation for me, because the more quests from the system I complete, the stronger I'll become, and gradually get to learn of the whole truth behind everything. Besides, I feel like there's no way for me to remove this system of a thing from my body, and am not sure if I would even want to if there's a way to do it. Am placing my trust in your system father'

Christian suddenly stood up, and he stared outside the window into the bright blue sky with a slight smile on his lips. "I don't know what to expect from here on out, but I promise you, mom and dad, I'll survive whatever comes my way and will live on in respect of your memories" Christian swore with determination. 

"Yeah, that's the spirit, and you'll need more of it because things just got started," Samantha said

"Can you show me a way to use the system? Since you said that it's similar to a game then that means that there should be something like a status screen where I can view my stats right?" Christian asked 

"yes actually, there is. If you want to view anything relating to the system all you have to do is think about it and it'll appear". Samantha said. 

'Yeah that's right, why didn't I think of that before' Christian thought. 'Status' he added, and a virtual screen, similar to the one that came up before him earlier appeared once again, showing his data. 


[User information]

Name: Christian Major Alfred 

Race: Vampire 

Class: Vampire soldier 

Level: One (attain level ten for next evolution)

Hp: 10/10

Mp: 10/10

Fatigue: 0% 


Strength: 10

Stamina: 10

Agility:  10

Perception: 10


(Dark ability skills)

Dark shroud - level 1: a layer of dark runes that are used in concealing the user's presence from perception. 

Cost: one mp every hour 

Dark teleportation - level max: a dark spatial ability that lets the user create a distortion in space brandishing it to teleport from one location to another within the user's perception. 

Cooldown: two minutes 

Cost: 5 mp to activate 

Dark control - level 1: a skill that grants the user control over dark mists enabling him to use dark hardening, - a passive skill that lets the user solidify dark runes.

Cost: one stamina point every two minutes 

(Fire ability skills)

Dragon roar - level 1: a skill that permits the user to borrow a portion of his dragon's strength, gaining a 5% boost in all stats when he lets out a roar.

Dragon steps - level 1: a skill that increases the speed of the user substantially for one minute. 

Cooldown - five minutes

Cost: five mp for every minute the skill is activated. 

(Ice ability skill) 

Ice dragon - level 1: let's the user creates a dragon with high disruptive capability that is made of ice. 

Cost: ten mp to activate 


"Wow, that's a long list" Christian muttered with his eyes still glued to the status screen. 

'so this is my current stat value' Christian thought 

His current level was one. All of his stats were also at the bottom of the heap, too.  

If he thought about the current reality of what he was like, the one where he was a newly turned vampire and an average rank D with little fighting prowess, then there was nothing to be surprised about that his stats were so low.

What he paid attention to the most was the skill column, and his gaze lingered around the dark teleportation skill and the ice dragon skill.

'dark teleportation skill will definitely come in handy, but isn't the cost a bit much? It cost a whopping five mp to activate, meaning I can only use it twice in a fight before I completely run out of… uhn… what's does mp even stand for?' he thought

"uhn, Samantha a little help here," Christian said 

"uhn, what is it?" 

"I just wanted to know what mp stands for" 

"Oh, mp represent the number of mana you have within your body" 

"what's mana?" 

"I was waiting for you to ask that, but nonetheless, mana is a person's life force, and the magical energy found within them. Each person's amount differs from the other, and it can be trained" Samantha explained 

"But why do I have mana instead of 'Dust'?" Christian asked

"what is 'dust'" Samantha asked 

"I dunno much about it, they just explained to us that it's a heavenly energy that fortifies the human body, and aids it to absorb ability runes"

"Oh, you mean the divine element? How did humans get to know about that? Anyways, Mana is different from the divine element, and is found only in magical beings that have an aptitude for it in the shadow realm" 

"So that means I can't use dust anymore because am now a vampire?" 


"Then why do I still have the dark ability granted to me by dust?" 


"Samantha?" Christian called 

"am not allowed to answer that question for now" Samantha replied 

"When will I be able to get the answer then?" 

"Probably when you've evolved to the next level" 

"next level that's…" 

Christian statement was cut short by a sudden message from the system

[A new quest has been granted...

Accomplish the next evolution in three months to unlock the first chapter of the book...

Additional reward will be awarded

Note - failure to complete the quest will result in the appropriate level of punishment

Do you accept the quest?

Yes/No ]

Christian squinted his eyes and gaped at the quest, especially the part where being punished for failing the quest was mentioned. "Samantha is this your doing?" he suddenly asked

"no, and like I said before, the system is the one to grant you quests, not me" Samantha replied instantly 

"will it be possible for me to accomplish it in three months though?" Christian asked warily 

"it will be hard, but not impossible" Samantha replied "just put your fears aside and accept the quest, it'll be a lot more easier than you think" she added

"But I thought you just said it'll be hard?" Christian groaned 'really, am stuck with such a person as a guide!' he lamented inwardly 

"you don't have to follow everything I say" Samantha retorted 

Christian was about to reply to her statement when he heard three footsteps heading for his room door. 

"no matter what Christian, no one is to know about the existence of the system, understand?" Samantha abruptly said  in a serious tone

"Yeah, yeah I do" Christian replied. 

Even if she wasn't going to mention it to him, he had no intention of letting anyone know that such a thing as the system was inside of him, to avoid certain problems from arising in the future. 

He hurriedly accepted the first quest and jumped on his bed, pretending to be asleep.