
His facial features were hard, chiseled, and put together were extremely beautiful. It was so exquisite that it was almost unreal

He had long and delicate-looking lashes and having been under the rain, his suit clung to his chiseled body. However, the strong innate cold temperament he had had made it difficult for one to grow the balls to approach him.

Eli walked towards him, umbrella in hand, and stood six feet away from him. Seeing as there was no response from him, she walked closer. She placed her umbrella over him, sheltering him from the rain.

How do you comfort someone dealing with overwhelming grief? This was unfamiliar grounds to Eli. She had never received much comfort from others in her life and was not sure how to offer it.

From the previous hosts' memories, her grandma would hug her whenever she was sad. It worked on the previous host but she was sure going around giving strangers hugs was outside the acceptable social norms. That, and she did not like to be touched.

They both remained motionless, one standing and the other kneeling on the ground for another five minutes until Eli interrupted the quietness.

"Want some candy?" she asked softly.

While she would admit, he was probably one of the most handsome men she had come across in both lives, she wasn't one to interfere in the affairs of others.

So it also came as a surprise to herself why she was drawn to the young man. Maybe it was his lifeless eye. She had those eyes once upon a time. His limp figure finally reacted to her, turning to meet her eye.

While the man studied Eli, Eli was doing the same. The young man, well young man was a bit of a stretch Eli colluded as he looked not a day over seventeen or eighteen.

He radiated a sense of detachment. Almost like he was physically present but not mentally there.

She knew the kind of loss and pain one had to have endured having those eyes. His listless look did not last for long as he quickly snapped out of his reverie.

"Can I help you?" he asked, his aura was powerful. If she was a normal person, she would have trembled in fear because of his overwhelming presence.

But who was Eli?

"oh yeah, I'm sorry, give me a minute"

Eli hung the umbrella over her arm sling, careful not to hurt her shoulder. It fell lopsided allowing the rain to fall on them.

She then fished out a lollipop from her pocket that she had purchased from a convenience store on her way here earlier. It was her last piece. She offered it to the young man.


He stayed unmoving, Eli was unbothered by this, she simply moved closer to him and placed the lollipop in his breast pocket.

"Don't Look down on this" she said, patting the lollipop in his pocket. When I was at my lowest, I had received a lollipop as a gift from some random kid on the street and it made all the difference."

It made a difference as It had been the first thing she had gotten to eat in four days at that time but of course, she didn't tell him that part. She then took his hand and put her umbrella in it before giving him a bright smile.

"Keep your head up kid," she said, sending him a flirtatious wink before walking away with her hand in her pocket.

Although she acted natural, it did not escape her notice that they were people watching them in the shadows, probably his security detail waiting for his signal to jump her if need be. Having lived a life where she always had to stay on guard, she could easily tell when she was watched and the difference between hostile surveillance from protective surveillance.

"Was there always such a bigshot in their small town?" she wondered but decided it was best not to know. She had meddled enough for one day.

At the entrance was parked a familiar Rolls Royce. As she walked closer, the back door opened, and out came Secretary Kim.

"Good evening Miss Eli, may I please have a moment of your time? "

Eli looked at Secretary Kim who stood in front of the car. Then, she lifted her fair, slim fingers and combed the stray hair that fell over her eyes, shaking off the raindrops before walking towards him. Secretary Kim was once again amazed by her outstanding beauty and also the imposing aura she carried.

She was, indeed, his chairman's granddaughter.

"Secretary Kim" she acknowledged walking towards him.

"Please", He proceeded to open and shut the car door for her before walking to the other side and entering.

" I had stopped by your hospital ward earlier and was informed you had checked yourself out. Luckily I run into your doctor and he informed me you left to take care of your grandmother's funeral, so I thought to stop by and pay my respects but it seems I was late"

"No, it's fine, thank you for coming by and for your help. I felt well enough and checked myself out. I didn't want to impose further "

"It was no trouble. Your health comes first. "

" You didn't have to pay for my grandma's bill. Please give me your account details. I will make sure to pay it back as soon as I can "

"It wasn't I who paid the bill, it was my employer"

Eli raised an eyebrow at his statement.

"And your employee is?"

Secretary Kim looked like he had been building up the conversation to lead to this.

"John Carter, Chairman and CEO of Carter Corp "

"And why would your employer foot my bills? "

"Because he is your grandfather"