Chapter 18 

  The fitting room was just a tiny place, very narrow, and now it's even narrower if two people stand in it.

  Hearing Lu Zhe's words, Su Ci stared at him fiercely. When is the time, can she be in a hurry? A pair of bunny ears popped up suddenly, and the female clerk knocked on the door many times just now, and almost hit the door.

  At such a critical time, Lu Zhe is still so reserved?

  He is not a man!

  Su Ci felt that she was anxious and angry, so she didn't care about Lu Zhe's words, she hurriedly approached Lu Zhe, clinging to his shoulders with her hands, and her toes stepped on the back of Lu Zhe's instep, and her red lips kissed Lu Zhe directly.

  The girl was in a hurry.

  With soft red lips stained with soft fragrance, Lu Zhe was kissed indiscriminately by her a few times, while under the palm of her palm, her thin waist was twisting restlessly.

  The dark eyes are deep.

  Lu Zhe wanted to lean towards the beginning, but was haunted by the girl.

  The breathing between her nose was a bit hot, and the girl's two pink rabbit ears were shaking in front of her eyes, her eyes darkened, and Lu Zhe reached out her hand.

  The tips of his ears were soft, and he squeezed it lightly.

  In the next second, Su Ci, who was still clinging to her body, weakened and leaned on Lu Zhe feebly. Her jade-colored arms held his shoulders weakly, and she bit Lu Zhe's chin bitterly. Bastard, don't pinch my ears!"


  Lu Zhe actually pinched her ear again!

  Rabbit ears are full of blood vessels. They are very fragile and sensitive. When she was a rabbit, Lu Zhe liked to play with her rabbit ears. At that time, when she was held by him, her whole body felt weak, but now , She became a human, he even pinched her rabbit ears...

  Su Ci only felt that her whole body was weak, and she was almost unable to stand up.

  After biting his chin, Lu Zhe snorted dullly in pain. His voice was a bit heavy, "Don't make trouble."

  "Who is making trouble." Su Ci glared at him fiercely. Who moved his hand first? "Lu Zhe, hug me, I will fall."

  She is very weak now.

  The girl's body was limp, with a girlish fragrance, leaning against him as if there were no bones, and the rabbit ears rubbed his chin furry and itchy.

  Astonishment flashed in Lu Zhe's eyes, he did not expect Su Ci's bunny ears to be so sensitive.

  The big hand holding on to the waist changed his arms around Su Ci, and Lu Zhe said in a low voice, "I'm sorry." He didn't know that he would squeeze her ear lightly, and her reaction would be so strong.

  Su Ci snorted, she found Lu Zhe's little quirk, he just likes to play with her rabbit ears.

  She ignored him, but touched the top of her head. She had kissed Lu Zhe several times. Why hadn't her rabbit ears disappeared?

  Su Ci frowned, and she called out wealth and honor, "Why do I suddenly grow rabbit ears?"

  Wealth: [If the host is ill, and the vitality to maintain the human form is insufficient, the rabbit ears will run out. ]

  Su Ci thought that she really had a cold now, and she seemed to have a fever. "I kissed Lu Zhe just now, why haven't the rabbit ears taken back?"

  Wealth: [If the owner gets better, the rabbit ears will be taken back. ]

  Su Ci was dumbfounded at the words of wealth and honor.

  In other words, if she has a bad cold, she will always wear the pair of rabbit ears?

  Fortune: [Even if you have rabbit ears, the owner is still the most beautiful person in the world in the eyes of Fortune. ]

  Fortune did not let go of the opportunity to blow the rainbow fart. It hoped that the owner would pamper him more and not give Lu Zhe all the golden marshmallows.

  Su Ci was frustrated. She thought that if she kissed Lu Zhe, the rabbit ears could be retracted, so she called Lu Zhe the first time to rescue her. And now Fugui told her that it was caused by her illness.

  She raised her eyes, her black eyes seemed to be soaked in water, squiggly, she leaned on Lu Zhe's chest softly and told him, "Lu Zhe, I'm sick."

  "Huh? Did you have a fever?" He put his arms around her, thinking that his body temperature was too low, so he felt that her body was hot. It turned out that she was sick?

  Su Ci nodded, and she sighed, "My rabbit ears can't be taken back. I have to wait until I get better." She was annoyed for a while, "I am like this, how can I go back?"

  There is a small stool in the fitting room for the guests to put clothes.

  Lu Zhe let Su Ci sit down in a chair, "You sit down first."

  "What are you going to do?" Su Ci looked at him unclearly.

  "I'll go out." As he said, the door of Lu Zhe's fitting room opened halfway, and after he walked out, he closed the door immediately.

  The female clerk was greeting other customers. She saw that the door of the fitting room was opened and the handsome boy in school uniform came out. She hadn't bothered to ask the other party what happened, but saw that the other party took a top from the accessory area. White fisherman hat.

  "Thank you to help me check out." Lu Zhe walked to the cashier to check out.

  After paying the money, he took his hat and walked back to the fitting room.

  The female clerk was curious, the female customer inside was mysterious and didn't know what happened.

  Su Ci watched Lu Zhe walk back, holding a hat in his hand.

  "You can put it on." Lu Zhe handed the hat to Su Ci.

  Su Ci looked at him and said confidently: "You can wear it for me."

  The girl sat on a small stool, with a pair of pink and white rabbit ears and a pair of black eyes lingering, looking straight at him, she was a bunny goblin alive.

  Lu Zhe did not hum, he stepped forward and put the cream-white hat on Su Ci's head.

  "Your ears..." The girl's two rabbit ears were standing upright, and she couldn't wear a hat at all. Lu Zhe was worried that if she barely put it on, it would hurt her.

  Su Ci was also aware of this problem, she took a breath and tried to control her rabbit ears.

  In the next moment, Lu Zhe saw that Su Ci's two rabbit ears that were still standing upright were pulled down and hung softly on both sides.

  "How?" Su Ci was a little proud, she learned to control.

  The hand holding the hat gradually tightened, even if Lu Zhexin was cold and straight, his heart trembled at the cute appearance of Su Ci in front of him.

  He lowered his eyes, did not meet Su Ci, but quickly put on her hat.

  Su Ci turned around and looked in the full-length mirror behind her. The fisherman's hat was a bit big. She pressed down the curled edge of the hat to cover her two rabbit ears tightly, revealing only the lower half of her face.

  Su Ci was happy now.

  She stretched her hand to grab Lu Zhe's hem, "Okay, we can go now."

  Her head is swollen and she wants to go back to take medicine and get better quickly, and she has been in the fitting room for so long, the clerk here must have an opinion.

  Lu Zhe asked her, "Can you stand up?"

  Su Ci shook his head, "You support me." If it weren't for the shopping mall and there were too many people, Su Ci must have been cheeky and let Lu Zhe carry her back.


  Lu Zhe supported her cooperatively, and Su Ci unceremoniously leaned on his chest and walked outside.

  Outside, the female clerk just finished greeting the customers and saw that the door of the fitting room finally opened.

  I saw the handsome boy half-arming the girl and came out. The girl was wearing a hat, only to see her snowy nose and delicate chin.

  The female clerk hurriedly stepped forward, "Is there anything I can help?" This female customer is not sick.

  "I had a heatstroke just now, and I borrowed your fitting room to rest. I'm sorry to cause you trouble." Su Ci lied and didn't need to think about it at all.

  The female clerk hurriedly said: "It's okay." Even if the girl only shows the lower half of her face, she looks too overwhelming. At this time, seeing that she has no strength to walk and can only rely on people to support her, she is obviously really sick.

  After walking out of the clothing store, Su Ci and Lu Zhe walked to the first floor of the mall. There was a specialty store for children's products diagonally across from the elevator, which happened to be playing a nursery rhyme:

  The little rabbit is white and white

  Both ears stand up

  I love radish and greens, so cute to bounce

  The bunny has long ears and a short tail. It's so strange...

  Suddenly hearing familiar nursery rhymes, no matter how thick-skinned Su Ci was, she couldn't help but blush.

  She raised her head to look at Lu Zhe, and saw the boy just bowing her head. She looked at him and saw the smile in his eyes at a glance.

  Su Ci turned to the beginning with anger, his cheeks flushed with shame.

  Oh, I was ridiculed.

  The little white rabbit children's songs continued to sound. Looking at the girl with two rabbit ears in his arms, the corners of Lu Zhe's lips raised, and a shallow dimple was revealed on the left.


  About to walk out of the mall, Su Ci still remembers the little boy who hit her before.

  It was about ten minutes before he died.

  The shopping mall is huge, with elevators on every floor. Su Ci doesn't know where to find him. Moreover, according to the middle-aged woman's personality, even if she tries to stop her, she might be blamed for her meddling.

  Su Ci pursed her lips.

  "Wait a minute." Su Ci told Lu Zhe to stop, "I'll make a call."

  Then, Lu Zhe saw Su Ci taking out his mobile phone and calling the ambulance. He heard her say that there was an accident in the mall and someone was seriously injured.

  Su Ci hung up the phone soon. She was not the savior. Even if she wanted the golden marshmallow to save Lu Zhe, it didn't mean that she had to save everyone. She knew that she knew her abilities very well. She was just a prosperous world. It's just a weak woman with beauty.

  Fugui told her that the little boy had fallen from the elevator and bleeds to death.

  Now that the accident has not happened, she calculated the time and called the ambulance in advance. When the little boy had an accident, the ambulance was estimated to be there.

  Whether the medical staff can save the little boy or not, she has to resign, and she can only do this.

  "Lu Zhe, don't look at me like this, I can't tell you anything anyway."

  She knew that making such a phone call in front of Lu Zhe would arouse his surprise and confusion, but in the future she would save more people and it would be difficult to hide Lu Zhe. In this case, she didn't have to work hard to cover up.

  Lu Zhe: "Yeah."

  Su Ci blinked, "Don't you keep asking?"

  "Will you tell me?" Lu Zhe looked at her.

  "It will not happen!"


  Ten minutes later, Su Ci and Lu Zhe had already left the mall.

  The distance between the first and second floors in the mall is the highest, and the elevator is also the longest.

  At this time, the middle-aged woman was carrying things in both hands, and she cursed and took her son to the elevator.

  It was really bad today. First, my son collided with the girl who looked like a vixen. She was hit by a shopping cart in the supermarket just now, and her heel was scratched by the wheels of the cart. She quarreled with the person who was pushing the cart on the spot. Up.

  She asked her son to go up the elevator first and stood in front of her. She stood behind her son with a shopping bag, still cursing.

  The little boy put his superman toy on the handrail and let it move with the handrail.

  In the next second, the little boy couldn't hold his hand firmly, and the toy slid down from the middle of the elevator.

  "My Superman..." Seeing the toy fell, the little boy rushed to pick it up. He stepped on the air, and the whole person threw forward and rolled directly down the elevator.


  There are no other pedestrians in the elevator.

  Watching her son roll down the elevator, the middle-aged woman yelled heartbreakingly, and she ran down the elevator hurriedly carrying her things.

  The little boy was lying at the elevator entrance, blood slowly spilling from the back of his head.

  His head knocked on the elevator class and broke a big wound.

  "Son, son, son, don't scare mother..." The middle-aged woman's legs were weak, and she rushed forward.

  "Don't move him arbitrarily." Many customers in the mall gathered around, and some people stopped the middle-aged woman.

  "Help, please, save my son." The middle-aged woman usually fights with fierce fighting power, but she really doesn't know how to deal with such a thing.

  "Son, a lot of blood, a lot of blood, please help my son." The middle-aged woman cried and shouted, her hands already covered with blood.

  "Help call for an ambulance." An onlooker asked.

  "Someone just called for an ambulance. But the little boy turned blue. He shed so much blood and didn't stop the bleeding in time. When the ambulance comes, I'm afraid the little boy is dead." Someone sighed.

  Everyone knows that from the hospital to the shopping mall, even if the speeding is the whole journey, it will take 20 minutes for the ambulance to arrive. At that time, the little boy was already...

  Seeing more and more blood on the ground, people are about to die, and the people around them look unbearable, "Anyone who knows how to save? Help save people quickly."

  However, the onlookers were all wandering aunts, most of whom were uncles. They did not dare to step forward because they had learned something about rescue.

  The middle-aged woman cried loudly and desperately. She regretted her heart deeply. Why didn't she take good care of her child and didn't hold her son by the hand, causing him to fall from the elevator.

  She pounded her chest with regret.

  The security staff of the mall also rushed over, and when he saw the little boy's situation, he secretly said that he was not good.

  At this moment, just when everyone was desperate for the middle-aged woman, the sound of an ambulance rang outside the door of the mall.

  Who called the ambulance? Why did it come so in time?

  The middle-aged woman looked at the ambulance personnel who suddenly appeared, her tears flowed more fiercely and fiercely, where there was still half of the arrogant scolding.

  Su Ci didn't know what was going on in the mall. She was lying on the bed with a sore head.

  "Lu Zhe, I'm hungry." After tossing all morning, she had a headache and was hungry again.

  Lu Zhe: "I'll cook some porridge. After eating the porridge, you will take medicine."

  "I don't want to eat porridge." Su Ci looked at Lu Zhe pitifully, and began to order, "I want to eat mango cake, I want to eat the roast duck from the street restaurant, honey sauce chicken wings, grilled wings, and crab yellow dumplings. I want to eat it too."

  I don't usually think, now that I am sick, she suddenly wants to eat.

  Lu Zhe lowered his eyes and looked at the girl who was lying on the bed with her pink rabbit ears. He interrupted her in a cold voice, "Only white porridge."

  "I am a patient now, the patient is so fragile, shouldn't you meet all my requirements?" Su Ci looked at him blankly.

  Lu Zhe turned his eyes away, the girl was too good at using her advantage.

  He simply ignored her request, "You go to bed first."

  Lu Zhe went out.

  Su Ci was dumbfounded, was she ignored by Lu Zhe?

  Charisma was questioned, Su Ci endured a headache, she got up from the bed and walked to the mirror.

  Because of her fever, her snow-white cheeks were flushed with a light flush, and she was very beautiful no matter how she looked. Not to mention her eyes, her eyes were moisturized and her little tearful moles were also very attractive. With a pair of bunny ears, a random expression is cute and miserable.

  Well, she once again confirmed that Lu Zhe had bad eyes and had aesthetic problems.

  When Lu Zhe came in again, Su Ci was already asleep.

  He stood aside and looked at his originally cold room, with the warm fragrance of a girl a little bit more, his desk and surroundings were placed a lot of Su Ci things, here became a girl's boudoir.

  Look at Su Ci on the bed again, her eyes are closed tightly, her rabbit ears are hanging softly on the sides, and she looks rare and quiet.

  He stretched out his hand, ready to push her to wake her up and get her to eat.

  And the fingertips fell on the girl's pink rabbit ears as if it would bend.

  Soft and easy to touch.

  Lu Zhe hooked his lips, letting the white fur on the rabbit ears scratch his palms.

  Su Ci was awakened by Lu Zhe. She opened her eyes in a daze, her headache was very serious.

  Lu Zhe asked Su Ci in a low voice, "The porridge is ready. Do you want to eat it in the room or go to the living room?"

  "I don't want to move." Su Ci said weakly.

  Lu Zhe didn't know where he brought a computer desk on the bed. After placing the small table, he brought in the cooked porridge.

  Su Ci originally planned to do something, resisting eating white porridge. But looking at the corn and mushrooms in the bowl, and putting some minced meat, she ate the fragrant glutinous porridge in silence.

  I have to say that Lu Zhe's cooking skills are very good, even if Su Ci has a picky mouth, he loves Lu Zhe's food.

  Su Ci ate a bowl of porridge really fragrantly.

  She leaned against the head of the bed, looking at Lu Zhe with a pair of black eyes, "Lu Zhe, I want to drink water."

  Lu Zhe tidied the bowl and small table, poured a cup of warm water, and handed the medicine to Su Ci.

  Su Ci took the medicine obediently. She looked at the boy with a cold face standing aside, and said to him: "Lu Zhe, I'm a little hot, please turn on the air conditioner for me."

  Lu Zhe walked to the air conditioner, raised his hand to measure the temperature, and then adjusted it to 27 degrees, which was just right.

  "Lu Zhe, I want to eat peaches." Su Ci asked again.

  Lu Zhe glanced at her, and the girl looked at him innocently with her small eyes.

  He didn't snort and went out. After a while, he came in with a neatly cut plate of peaches with a small fork on the plate.

  After eating the peaches, Su Ci was satisfied. She looked at Lu Zhe next to him. The boy was wearing a white and blue school uniform with a cold face and a long body. No matter how handsome he looked, Su Ci liked everything.

  Her red lips curled up, and she continued to make unreasonable demands, "Lu Zhe, I want to kiss you."

  Worried that he would not cooperate, Su Ci said again: "I will take a break after I kiss you."

  Staring at her, Lu Zhe sighed. He leaned down, and his thin lips fell on the girl's water-colored red lips, soaking in her sweet breath, he left with a single tap, "Go to sleep. "

  Su Ci's eyes are bright.

  She asked Lu Zhe badly, "If you kissed me, will I be infected with the virus?" Shaking her head, she asked herself: "Oh, probably not, because we don't have any oral communication."

  Lu Zhe glanced at her faintly, then turned and walked out.

  When the door was closed, Su Ci laughed, shaking his rabbit ears, shaking them like a gangster or bad bunny.

  Lu Zhe just walked out of the living room when the bell rang at the door.

  He opened the door and saw Zhao Youyou standing outside.