
We were currently in the kitchen of this big ass house. Lily was sitting with a man with light brown hair and brown eyes . He had a very manly look but the way he was grinning was like he was only a child.

"Hey" I said and they both turned to me and smiled Lily jumped up and ran to me and eloped me in a big hug I was suffocating from how tight she was holding me. D She finally let go and I could breath. I took a deep breath and coughed a bit.

"Hi" she finally chirped and I just smiled at her but soon her smile became a frown.

"Hey what's wrong" she looked at me with teary eyes.

"If they didn't come on time God knows what would have happed to you and it's all my fault tha-" I cut her of with a hug and she quietly sobbed in my arms

"It's not your fault, you just wanted to give me a good time" she let go of me and held both my hands in hers looking at me as if she could see my soul

"You know I will always be here for you no matter what happens I will always be here I will always be by your side and I will always love you" I did realize that I was crying till I felt her soft fingers on my cheek wiping away my tears.

Our moment was broken with an awkward cough I looked behind Lily to see that the guy that she was talking to wast still there looking at use with a small sad smile. Lily looked behind her to the the guy was still there.

"Oh Miya this is Max he was the one that brought me here" she pointed at him and he stud up and came to face me.

"Hey Miya it's nice to finally meet you" he said offering me his hand a beautiful smile on his face

"Nice to meet you to Max" I extended my hand and shook his. For a man with so much muscles he really had soft skin

"What's going on here" a deep and smooth voice came from the doorway of the kitchen.

"Hey bro we were just about to get some breakfast do you want some" Max said looking at me.

"Yeah sure" I turns around to see Perish with all his glory. He had black slacks on with a crisp button up shirt and a suit jacket on his shoulder. His brown was pushed back to make it look neater then usual.

"What do want for breakfast Miya" I was snapped out of my daydream by Lily asking me for breakfast.

"Huh" by now my cheeks were as bright as a tomato. I just coughed as if there was something in my throat.

"Never mind I'll get you some pancakes ok" she said while laughing a little.

"Yeah sure thanks" I replayed. So I was sitting alone with Perish when a phone ringing was heard.

"Aren't you ganna get that?" Perish questioned with a confused look. I looked down to see that it was my phone that was ringing.

"Hey" I said said once I answered the phone. I didn't even bother to check the caller ID.

"OH MAY GOD BABY ARE YOU OK? HONY WHERE ARE YOU? ARE YOU SAFE? ARE YOU HU-" i cut her of when I replied to her.

"Hey Mommy am ok am safe don't worry" she was sobbing uncontrollably and I felt really bad for her she must have been worried all night.

"Where have you been I was worried sick I thought something bad ha-" I cut her off again because I didn't want her to be so sad and worried. I hate to see her cry

"Mommy it's ok I just got a little carried away with the drinks and I stayed over at a friends house"

"Ok but when will you be home?" She asked , now trying to control her sobs.

"I'll be home at noon don't worry" I know no matter how many times I tell her not to worry she always will , she's my mother after all.

"Ok I love you honey and please stay safe."she said known that I'll be home she relaxed.

"I will and I love you too mom" and I hung up the phone. I turned around to see Perish looking at me with a small smile on his face.

"Hey is everything alright?" he asked me as soon as I looked at him.

"Yeah everything is good" he looked at me for a second with a frown on his face, he made his way to me and gently touched my cheek.

"Then why are you crying love ? He slowly wiped a single tear from my face, I didn't even know that I was crying till now. When it comes to my mom I get really emotional and sensitive I love her so much and we have both suffered a lot she's all I have and am all she has.

"It's nothing it's just my mom was really worried and scared and I don't like it when she feels scared." I let out a awkward laugh.

" it's ok princess you both have nothing to worry about your safe here." For some reason I really did feel safe with him , I leaned into his touch and relaxed. It felt so good, so relaxing and most of all

It felt so safe.

We were interrupted with Lily's giggles I saw her carriage two plates and Max had the same. She had a big smile on her face and she just looked so happy.

"Hey babes I got food" she beamed. The second she looked at me her smile instantly turned upside down. She put the plates down and come to me, Perish moved back so she could hug me. She started rubbing circles on my back to calm me down.

"What's wrong" she asked me when she pulled back she looked me in the eyes and I could see concern in her eyes.

"She's scared Lily" that's all I had to say before I broke down in tears. Lily tried to calm me down but it wasn't working.

"Hey Hey Miya just breath." I shook my head, I tried so hard but I couldn't breath I was having a panic attack.

"Here let me try calm her down" my sense were blurry but I could feel Lilly let go and I know that it was Perish's voice.

"Hey Miya look at me" he said pulling my chin so I was looking at him in the eyes.

"Calm down and breath" his voice was so soothing and I instantly calmed down. Slowly my breathing was coming to normal.

"Good girl it's ganna be ok princess" my body felt weak and my eyes felt heavy I was exhausted and I wanted to sleep.

"Come on let's get you some rest, when you wake up you can go home ok" I couldn't answer so I just nodded. I felt myself being picked up and carried in someone's arms bridle style.

I felt myself being put down on a bed I opened my eyes a little to see Perish smiling down at me. He covered me with a nice silky duvet he was about to leave but I quickly stopped him.

"Please don't leave me alone" I looked at him pleading with my eyes he kissed me forehead and laid with me. He pulled me closer to his chest and wrapped his arms around me ,I instantly relaxed and was ready to sleep.

"I'll always be here for you princess no matter what" it was the last thing I heard before I let myself drown in the darkness.