Chapter Two

"My lady, are you ok?" Ms. Windsor asks, snapping Caroline from her thoughts. "You look shaken."

"Y-Yes," Caroline stutters before taking a deep breath and regaining her composure. "I'm fine."

Milly nods, clearly unconvinced, "I'll take you to your bed-chamber, so you can freshen up before dinner."

"Thank you," Caroline replies, "I've yet to see it."

Milly holds a small, rusted oil lamp in front of herself, as she leads Caroline down the long, windy hall to her be-chamber, located in the far back of the white hallway.

Milly stops in front of a pale, greyish baby blue-colored cedar door surrounded by a large, white frame. She grabs a small, silver key from her apron pocket and unlocks the door. She lightly pushes it open and steps inside, with Caroline close behind her.

She lights a few candles to brighten the room, so Caroline can look around.

"I'll go find you something suitable to wear," Milly says before walking over to Caroline's closet.

Caroline doesn't pay much attention to what she's saying and continues to let her eyes wander the interior.

The walls were pure white with a blue and yellow-flowered print. The floor was white marble, and a lily was painted in the center, just under the massive king-sized bed. A white canopy laid overhead, and the bed had an ornate, big blue comforter on top, along with five neatly stacked pillows. A wooden bedside table was placed on each side.

A matching brown wooden desk with perfume and a few writing utensils sat on top, taking up the majority of the right side of the room. A window took up the left. From it, you could see the estate's decrepit garden.

Despite its neatness and grandeur, the room was fairly empty compared to its size.

Caroline runs her finger down the small wooden nightstand; strangely she doesn’t find a speck of dust, even though the room appeared to be unoccupied prior to her arrival.

"My lady," Milly calls out to Caroline, drawing her back to reality, "I found one."

"Coming," Caroline yells, taking one last look around the room while walking over to her.