Chapter Five

April 25, 1835

Light blares through Caroline's window onto her sleeping form. She rolls over, and the light shines on her eyelids, causing them to flutter open. Just as Caroline goes to sit up, Milly walks in and opens the curtains.

"Hello," Caroline says, in a sleepy tone.

"Oh, my lady, you're awake," Milly says, startled. "You're normally not up for another half hour," she says nervously, "I'll go get your bath ready."

"Thank you," Caroline says, barely audibly. She throws her feet over the side of the bed and stretches. She lets out a loud yawn as Milly walks out of the room. She comes back a few minutes later carrying two buckets of hot water, with a few other maids Caroline didn't recognize trailing behind her. They walk back and forth with the buckets from Caroline's private bath and the downstairs kitchen where the water is heated.

After three trips to the kitchen, the bath is finally ready. Caroline is called to the bath, "My Lady, your bath is ready!"

"I'll be right there!" Caroline shouts from the warmth of her bed. She stands up and grabs her silky white robe. She wraps it tightly around her slender frame before walking out of her bed-chamber to the bath. Caroline steps into the bath chamber, but stands there awkwardly, waiting for Milly to leave; she doesn't.

"My lady," Milly asks in confusion, "do you need help disrobing?"

"No," Caroline squeaks nervously, "I'd like you to leave… please."

"My lady, I-I don't understand," Milly queries, "would you like me to call someone else?"

Caroline regains her composure, "No, I can do it myself."

"But my lady-" she's interrupted.

"I said I can do it myself," Caroline replies firmly, "do you not think I'm incapable of doing the simplest of tasks?"

"No, I didn't mean it like that, I just-" she is once again interrupted.

"Then we're understood. Right?"

"Yes, my lady," Milly says in a somewhat distraught tone, "I'll take my leave." She bows before walking out of the room without another word.

Caroline lets out a sigh of relief as she hears the door slam shut. She unties her robe and slides it off along with her undergarments. She carefully steps into the large metal tub. Warm water envelopes her body as she sits down. She takes the sponge sitting on the edge of the tub and soaps it up. After washing off, she soaks in the tub for several minutes, mulling over if she was too harsh to Milly.

After nearly falling asleep, Caroline gets up, dries herself off, and puts her robe back on before walking back to her bed-chamber. She puts on the undergarments laid out neatly on her bed then rings for Milly to help her with her corset.

"You called?" Milly asks, entering the room.

"Yes, I need help getting dressed."

"Oh yes, of course." Milly walks over and helps Caroline into her corset. She chooses a simple brown dress from the four Milly had picked out during Caroline’s bath. Milly then puts her lady’s hair into a simple curled updo.

"I'd like to go for a walk in the garden." Caroline could see Milly tense up in the mirror upon hearing this. But Caroline had spent the last three days cooped up inside; it was only natural that she would want some fresh air.

"A-Are you sure that's wise my lady?" Milly stutters, "the garden isn't well maintained."

"Yes, I'd like to explore outside," Caroline replies, "could you prepare a snack for me?"

Milly doesn't answer.

"Did you hear me?" Caroline asks, snapping her maid back to reality.

"Oh, yes," Milly says nervously, "I'll get that right away." She quickly walks out of the room, leaving Caroline alone in her bed-chamber.

Caroline can't help but wonder why Milly seemed so nervous; it was unsettling to say the least. She shakes off the feeling and prepares to leave, donning a dark brown cloak to shield her from the cold weather. Before leaving, she grabs the novel she had started reading on the carriage ride up to the estate. After Milly returns with her snack, Caroline begins her journey.

The well-meaning maid had been right about the garden. To say it was unkempt would be a spectacular understatement. The grass was overgrown, vines wrapped around everything they could get their hands on, and weeds had overtaken the once beautiful flower patch.

Ironically, the cemetery was the only part in decent condition, at least comparatively to the rest of the garden. All of the gravestones except three in the front row were cracked and crumbled. Those three seemed almost brand new. However, there were no flowers to be seen, making it obvious no one had ever visited. The three were all the Count’s immediate family: the first belonging to his father, Irvin Van Allen, the previous Count; the second to his mother, Thirza, the last countess; and the last to his twin sister, Cybelle.

After looking at the gravestones and exploring the graveyard a bit, Caroline discovers a sliver of life in all this death: a tree standing at the edge of the graveyard. She finds a cozy spot, nestled in its roots, to sit and read.

Hours come and go, and before she knows it, her eyelids become too heavy to stay open. She felt as though she had only rested her head, but by the time she had awoken, the sky was already dark. Upon realizing the time, Caroline rushes back to the manor. She pushes open the surprisingly heavy pine door and is met with a familiar face: Edgard. He stands there with a particularly disapproving look on his face.

"Lady Boushley, you’re back." There's a glint of anger in his eyes, causing Caroline to stiffen up. "You shouldn't be wandering around at this hour."

"Yes, I know," Caroline says, "I was just taking a walk-"

"You don't need to explain yourself to me," he says in a cold tone, "I'll have the chef prepare your dinner right away."

"No need," she interjects, "I'd like to retire for the evening."

"As you wish," he says, "I'll have Ms. Windsor come up." He bows before taking his leave.

Caroline heads up to her room. She takes off her cape and dons a pair of slippers before Milly walks in. "Lady Boushley, you're okay!" Milly yells, running over to her. She almost tackles Caroline to the ground with an embrace.

"I'm fine," Caroline says as Milly lets go of her.

"My apologies, I shouldn't have touched you like that without your permission," Milly says, bowing.

"It's fine, thank you for your concern." Caroline turns around, and motions to the back of her dress. "I'd like to go to bed now."

"Oh yes, of course!" Milly helps Caroline out of her dress, and into her nightgown. Milly leaves, and after tossing and turning for a while, Caroline finally manages to fall asleep.

This had become Caroline's daily routine; it was tedious, yet serene. Sadly, this peace was about to be upended, for the viscountess was going to arrive in just a few days.