Chapter 9

When Yuna woke up, she noticed the change in her surroundings. She recalled the last thing she did when she fell asleep. She hid herself and eavesdropped on the maids and her mother. She didn’t remember falling asleep, but she must’ve gotten caught by her mother. It was hard for her to control an infant body.

She would find herself sleeping randomly and she definitely couldn’t control her poop. She would have to experience being an infant every time she gets reincarnated. She didn’t think that she’d get used to it anytime soon. Her mother and father were laying beside her asleep. When did this development happen?

The months flew by while observing her parents, it seemed that they didn’t have a good relationship. She hardly ever saw them together, but she couldn’t tell from the little information she had. Both her mother and father never bothered to visit her anyway. It was the complete opposite of when she grew up in Korea.

Now that she thinks about it, the world she was in now wasn’t exactly like her previous lifetime. If the history from that place were true in this world, Minho would not have become the emperor. She must be in a parallel universe or a different universe all together.

Yuna wondered if this world had different things that her previous world didn’t have. She wasted her first life away being caught up in loving Minho, she wouldn’t know anything about this world. To think about it, she wasn’t too bright back then. At least she has the chance to find out during this lifetime.

After letting her mind wander off to lala land, her parents finally woke up from their sleep. The atmosphere seemed brighter than usual, almost like there was a filter on both of them. Where did all these hearts come from? They were surrounded with roses and hearts, similar to manga characters that were in love.

Yuna was stunned by the scene she was seeing. Her parents were madly in love. How did she not know this? Her father had a gentle expression on his face. This was the first time she witnessed her father smile. Did she change her fate somehow? What changed? It must be because her mother was still alive.

If she calculated correctly, her mother would’ve passed away when she reached 1 years old. She needed to work on her mother’s health fast or else she would have to deal with a cold father for the rest of her life. Yuna couldn’t imagine having to go through that again.

When her parents woke up, they began cuddling and kissing each other thinking that she was still asleep. She immediately started giggling like normal babies. It wouldn’t be a good idea to act like a full-grown adult when she was only 1 years old in this world. She was technically over 100 years old, but they didn’t know that.

Sena immediately shoved Junho away in embarrassment. “Stop it! Our daughter’s watching us.” Junho was stubborn and didn’t want to miss the chance to be affectionate with his wife. “She doesn’t understand anything. She’s only a year old and plus didn’t you miss me?” He gave her a back hug while kissing her neck.

Sena swatted his hands away and began pouting. “If you don’t get your hands off of me this instant, you’re going to get it!” Junho gave her a stern look, “And what are you going to do about it?” He didn’t care what she would do. He wanted to pamper his wife starting now.

She giggled, “Now you’ve done it!” She immediately began tickling him on the stomach and feet. Most people thought General Junho was a strong and scary warrior that was similar to General Beom-soo. No one knew the real Junho like Sena did. He was very ticklish and that was one of his weakness’.

Junho began roaring with laughter while rolling on the bed with his hair standing up oddly in weird angles. Junho finally had enough time to escape the clutches of his tickle monster wife. He jumped out of bed and stood next to the dresser. “I give up. Fine, I won’t cuddle you. You owe me a cuddle session later.”

Sena agreed, “I promise.” Yuna couldn’t stand the cheesy couple any longer and decided to hide under her pillow. Yuna thought, ‘Stupid couple. Go get a room.’ Sena noticed that Yuna was covered in blankets and pillows and became worried that her daughter was suffocating. She grabbed her from beneath the pillow and held her in her arms.

She cooed, “How’s my baby this morning? Did we wake you?” She rocked her back and forth. “Do you want something to eat?” Yuna’s stomach growled exactly at that moment, revealing her hunger. If only she didn’t have to be a baby, she wouldn’t be stuck drinking breast milk.

Her mother began breast feeding her. Yuna scrunched up her face in disgust. She definitely couldn’t get used to this.

During the next couple days, things began to change in a way that Yuna would never expect. Her mother became healthier, and her father was happier than ever. She didn’t really do much, but the result was what mattered. Her goal was to save her mother from depression. It was a good thing that her mother had solved this issue herself.

They spent more time with her, and it reminded her of the parents back in 2021. Having memories from all lifetimes was tough. They were irreplaceable to her, but Sena and Junho weren’t bad parents either. They just weren’t happy. Now that her mother was saved, it was time for her to learn more about this world.

Her 1st lifetime was filled with memories of trying to get Minho to pay attention to her and days spent on being madly in love. She wished that she could’ve spent at least half that time studying. She desperately wanted to read again, but that was extremely difficult for her age. She needed to lay low and act like an infant.

If they discovered her reading books that were way beyond her years, she would be considered a demon. She couldn’t get used to the way people in this world thought. They were scared by what they didn’t know causing them to form speculations about the unknown. They ostracized those that were outside of their comfort zone. She definitely had to be inconspicuous when it came to reading.

Yuna wasn’t able to escape the maids and her parents so easily to get the time to read. She decided not to jump the gun when it came to growing up. Yuna spent her days acting like a normal baby. It wasn’t as interesting as studying, but she still enjoyed the family bonding time. She also got to practice on her speech and walking.