4 years ago today, when Adelaine had the most beautiful and memorable day in her life. The celebration of her 18th birthday.
It was the day she treasured the most before the accident because that day was the first dance she ever had with the king of her life, his dad, and the prince of her life, Travis Connor.
To remember the memories they made that day, she kept all the photos taken on her debut in a treasure box. The letter written by Travis Connor was also inside that treasure box.
Only Adelaine, Travis, Carson, and Cassidy knew about the treasure box.
But now, Adelaine has no idea about that box and the day she treasured the most after losing her memories because of the accident.
-- ongoing call with Cassidy --
"Carson! You should've asked me first!"
"Why would I? You're the one to blame. Why didn't you label the gift?"
"Because you knew about the treasure box. That's the most important thing for Adelaine!"
"I'll go get it back from Veronica. I'm hanging up."