After the shock wore off, an untimely hunger made my stomach growl. I noticed there were golden platters of fruit set before the Lingam statue. I crawled towards the goodies and inhaled the sweet-scented lotuses. The fresh fragrance relaxed me a little, and I helped myself with the juicy fruit. I guess if I were going to die here, I might as well die with my stomach full.
After my hunger subsided, I shoved some ripe bananas and other odd fruit that looked like apricots into my brown bag. My ears caught a faint sound of faraway footsteps. Some rushing movements and voices came from the base of the temple.
I quickly got up and took a peek to the ground. From the main staircase leading up to the top, a troop of shirtless men climbed the steep stairs. They wore red silk clothes around their waists. Some of them wore golden collars and belts around their bodies. In their hands were long sharp spears and swords. I wiped my mouth of the juices and turned back with wide eyes.