Chapter 11

I clutched my bag closer to my side and tiptoed towards the chamber doors. My hands fumbled over the wooden latch and then pulled it aside. I held my breath as the doors gave a faint groan. I slowly poked my head through the threshold. No one was around. Then I slipped myself out of the room.

I was careful not to make any noise, but my heart thumped loudly against my rib cage. I had never run away before. This was more thrilling than I had expected.

"Where are you going?" a familiar soft voice spoke from behind me.

"Oh, holy Jesus tap-dancing Christ!" I jumped and turned around to see Kesar standing there. She smiled at me.

"Who's Jesus?"

"Oh, Kesar! You scared me half to death!" I said, putting my hand over my pounding heart.

"Forgive me, my lady," she said with a bow. "I'm just surprised you're already up at this dawn hour."

"Er... I' early early bird rises early," I lied.