Kesar opened the chamber door to find me dripping with water.
"Oh Meru gods!" she gasped, staring at my disheveled hair and wet clothes. "What has put you in such a state?"
"I fell," I said.
"You fell?" Her brows rose at me.
"Well, yes...into a po...pond."
"Oh my lady, I was so worried!" Kesar breathed. "Where have you been?"
"Sorry," I mumbled. "I was just out for some fresh air in the garden."
"Please come inside and get yourself changed," she said.
Once we reached the bedroom, I shrugged off my bag. Kesar brought me a dry towel. I dried myself and untangled my messy hair.
"You smelled of familiar fragrance, my lady," Kesar noticed.
"Oh yes, probably from the garden, I guess," I said with an awkward smile.