Tepi lost the duel. She didn't look happy about it, but she didn't look sad either.
"You think she's alright?" I whispered to Tusita during the break.
"With that calm face, I'm not sure," she said. We let Tepi be for a while, but I knew she was a strong girl and would pull herself back together eventually.
Then the Guru called for our attention again. Samudra cracked his knuckles and rolled his neck ready to go.
Queen Indradevi came to give a brief speech for the next round.
"I can see there have been noticeable improvements," she spoke with an appreciative smile. "You have shown interesting skills and fought bravely, young Avatars. May the gods be with you for the next duel."
The Guru raised his hand as a signal to start another battle.
"Vorac, daughter of Chandra, the Moon God, Lord of the Night, Bearer of Inspirations and Giver of Strength. You shall duel with Vijay, son of Marutas, Celestial Warriors of the King of Gods, Guardian of the Chalice of Amrita."