Our days passed like molasses. The King and his Queen had returned to the capital. The Holy Game was then announced to be set in a matter of two moon phases.
I finally returned to the encampment, and we all labored under more strict training. As usual, no one suffered worse than me. Tepi and her self-appointed assistant from the Underworld were busy planning strategies. To keep ourselves from going mad with anticipation, Vorac, Tusita, and Atith, with their passion for the celestial winged horses, occupied me with the flying lessons.
Morokot and Samudra became my advisers on self-preservation. Morokot proved to be very knowledgeable in this matter. She knew all the tricks that Issarak might have intended to weave from his crafty mind. In contrast, Samudra taught me the rules and moral obligations of the Game. I wondered if all these would help me.