Korean Central Intelligence agency.

Location: Tiger's Mansion

Time: 4:00 am

Sang put the wooden carton on the table and opened it. The diamonds glittered like a bright star in the boxes.

He touched the diamonds and a triumphant grin appeared on his lips. Jungwoo stood next to him and said, 'We did an excellent job'.

Sang shook his head proudly and asked Jungwoo to transfer the diamond to another vessel.

Jungwoo nodded and unwrapped the remaining boxes. The diamonds were crimped into five layers in each box.

He transferred the top layer of the diamonds into a different vessel. He was about to transfer the second layer of diamonds when he noticed something.

He instantly poured diamonds on the table. He was staring at the diamonds and

The confusion covered his countenance.

Sang was going through some paperwork when he looked at Jungwoo. He saw his pale countenance, and asked, 'What happened'?