Arrival of Fleeko

To say I was startled would be an understatement.

I was straight-up terrified at a voice coming out of nowhere.

My heart almost shot out of my ribcage using my throat as the exit and for a split second, I imagined the most horrific monster to come out and gobble us up; but the creature who used the voice was simply not near my imagination.

It was a bird. A very tiny, and a very harmless-looking bird. To say that, it was the same size as Kliffto’s (No, not the Kliffto I rode on as an aeroplane, but the Kliffto which came at my breakfast and destroyed my muffin). The bird was white and fluffy, as if someone had showered it with glue and then threw it in a bucket of wool. Its eyes were as big as a night owl’s, and its beak was a midnight sky colour, whereas it’s claw had a faint blue colour.

‘And here it is,’ Percy said with annoyance. ‘My “messenger.”