
I woke up to find the thing I hate most, Xandra.

Xandra: "Come on, lazy, what are you waiting for? It's 5:07 in the morning. My delay in getting up again. If you repeat it, you will be punished harder." She is really lazy.

Saya: "Sorry, madam, I will not repeat it."

Xandra: "I heard it a lot. Come on for you only five minutes, and then you should be at the main gate."

Saya: "Well ma'am." How much I hate her, anyway I have to get up and to be late and when I'm late take another punishment.

# In another place in London where there is this young man who is more like a king.

Harry: I woke up to my morning alarm, it's 5:10 minutes. Damn, I hate waking up early. Okay, and now let's get up.

The difference is big in terms of status, money, fame and everything

But they are one thinking.

Saya is a 16-year-old girl with no strength or support. She lives in a miserable place where no one even hears her.

She lives in an orphanage.

Harry is one of the most famous celebrities.

Harry Styles is a member of One Direction.

Continued ...

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