Chapter 06

Chapter 06: Jou- Who? Part 02

"Jou- Who?"

We remained silent, I tried to remember my name, my age, and my family. However, I couldn't remember anything. I scratched my head in frustration and when I saw my hand, the blood was all over it. Ah, so I died from bleeding in the back of my head. Okay, at least I know why I died.

"I apologize in advance, but there seems to be a misunderstanding here. I think you got the wrong person, I'm not Jou- Umm, who you mentioned earlier. And I think my father's still alive, so...yeah."

No matter how long my explanation is he still insists on taking me there, "I don't think so, now come with me. Or do I have to carry you, Mrs.?"

The man in the suit is now squatting with his back to me, patting his back. Telling me to jump on it, what the heck. I'm not a kid anymore, humph.

"As you can see, it's my head that's injured, not my feet, so I'll just walk. Thank you."

He stood up, straightening his suit from the wrinkles from squatting earlier, "Alright then."

Suddenly more of them appeared out of nowhere, all well-groomed with well-built bodies. I think they used to work out a lot in the past, just looking at them was scary, let alone fighting with one of them.

His deep, firm voice gave me chills as he ordered the best men he got to carry me, "Prepare the carriage, our young heiress will take the throne."

Carriages? Thrones? Gosh, how powerful my father can be? I had no reason to refuse such a great opportunity, he was talking about thrones. Imagine what would I become, so I finally said yes.


He answered, "I hear your order clearly, Mrs...But, this is an order straight from The Mighty Sir Jourell. Besides, it's quite a distance from your father's residence from here, are you sure about walking barefoot?"

"Don't you get it? It's too much."

He tilted his head, indicating that he was confused, "Uh, but Mrs...As the heir to the throne, you should get the best service."

I groaned, feeling frustrated enough, "Look, as much as I want the throne...Mmm, I mean to meet my father, don't you think a carriage is a little bit too much. Forget it, I'm not going anywhere."

He bowed his head to me while apologizing. "I apologize, Mrs...But, we can not leave you alone, and I am truly sorry for what I'm about to do next."

He lifted me on his broad shoulders as if I'm a sack of rice. Forcing me into a black limousine car with gold engraving, I just found out there are worldly goods here. Suddenly the car began to float and accelerated through the air. He said, whilst giving me some strange-looking fruits. "This is the simplest thing I can give, please accept it..."

"NO WAY, THIS THING COULD FLY? HOW? Am I dreaming?", I take a breath in awe, before continuing, "Hey, sir. If you don't mind, please pinch my cheek, am I dreaming?"

He hesitated for a while then responded with a stern face, "Yes, I mind. How can I pinch your cheeks? Please don't ask for anything peculiar, Mrs."

I whined, "You're no fun. Wow, the view...Is terrifying. Do you torture people? You're a bad guy, aren't you? Oh, dang. I'm in big trouble."

From the window, I could see below there were so many people being tortured, from the lightest to the most terrible, beyond what you can imagine. A very strong fishy smell began to permeate the car, causing me to cough several times. The man who had been sitting beside me gave me a nebulizer mask that has been attached to the wheeled oxygen tank, aw how thoughtful...

He spoke out, "Sir Jourell said that you might have a hard time with this pungent smell."

"Well, since we're on the topic. Can you tell me more about him?"

He answered curtly, his eyes drifting to the sights he probably saw every day. "You will get your answers from him

directly "And, you can call me Kyle."

I pouted, staring at the middle-aged men who were seated beside me, they look lifeless with flat, intimidating expressions, like controlled robots. Well, they're dead after all. Don't know how many sitting positions I've changed since it was uncomfortable, but luckily Kyle told me we'd be there soon.

A building made of steel and glass that towers above the clouds is now right in front of me, a dragon statue with a lion's body, guarding the front door firmly, its big eyes seem to pierce your deepest soul. It looks ancient but also elegant, classy, and a little bit creepy. Elegant yet fiercely carvings were carved along the hallway lit by the fading light, but a wall at a certain corner stunned me.

The walls are decorated with flowers and diamonds, forgetting why I was here. I decided to take a closer look, the flowers turned out to be fake, but the shape is very like real flowers in general. With bright colors and varied aromas, the flowers are so skillfully crafted, that it seems difficult to distinguish whether it's really fake or not. As he asked me to follow him, I silently tag along by his side. My eyes wander around the hallway searching for another interesting corner, and the elevator that we got into was also futuristic, have I come to Underworld or the future?

A deep voice interfered with me, as I got out, "You have arrived."

Kyle who had been standing next to me was surprised to see him, "Pardon me before interrupting, Sir. But I thought you were waiting in The Great Hall? Why did you bother coming here?"

The man responded, "Take it easy, Kyle. It's not that far, thus more I could use a little exercise too, my body's feel a bit stiff lately."

Kyle then nodded, proceeded to walk away out of the hall along with the other guards. There were only the two of us left here, it's kind of awkward. Hearing the way Kyle talked to this guy earlier, it seems that he's the one, my father. He looked quite young like he had just turned 30. Or is it just the effect of the white shirt attached to his body with a dark blue silk vest, which makes him look ageless. His beard that matched his sandy brown hair that was neatly combed made him look like he came from a fairy tale.

He welcomed me into his arms, while I froze not knowing what to do, "At last, you're home," He breathed a sigh of relief as if he had been waiting for my arrival for a long time, "Finally."

I slowly released his tight hug from me, and I fixed my gaze on him while asking, "Are you really my father?"

He giggled, taking me away to the big mirror on the wall. "Yes, of course. See? We look alike."

"But why do I feel, you're not," I paused, thinking this strange feeling that made my heart pound faster than before, "You know, just because someone finds a resemblance in someone else. It doesn't always mean that they're related, am I wrong?"

He pushed me closer to the speculum, whispering in my ear, "Look at my eyes, what do you see?"

I tried to see his eyes clearer than the reflection in the mirror, stern and scary eyes with long eyelashes. There's a mole on one of them, just like me. A glimpse of fire smoldering in his twinkling eyes, frightening but enchanting.

Suddenly he replied to my thoughts, "Yep, that's right. Only you and I have them, a very special pair of eyes. You know, your twin also has things that are identical to mine."

"My twin? I have a twin?"

A sudden realization hits him hard, "Ah, right. You don't remember anything, don't you?"

I shook my head slowly, feeling confused. "Am I supposed to remember anything?"

He then puts his palm on my back, guiding me to another room, as he speaks, "Well no, when every living thing died, we take their memories away, erasing them completely, so they can feel easy and wouldn't be worried about worldly affairs,"

He offered, "Want to see yours?"

"Can I?"

He beamed, "Sure, usually they would pay me to have a sneak peek. But, because you're my daughter, I'll give you a discount."

"I LOVEE discounts~"

"You look just like your mother, anyway...Let's see, what name did they give you?" His hands stopped at the letter K which was among more than trillions of names in his thick book, which seems to be the Book of Death, then continued reading my history, "Keiysy Lesham Maheswari, you...didn't...die? Huh, what's going on here?"

Some workers came to him shortly after, they looked very serious. Meanwhile, father's face that had been beaming had now become dull and gloomy, he rubbed his face roughly, thinking of a way out. They were whispering in silence, as if I shouldn't know, my curiosity getting bigger prompting me to eavesdrop a little. Unfortunately, there's nothing I can get.

A few moments later, they finished their discussion and dad came over to help me stand up from his couch. He seemed to be in deep thought this time, his mouth opened several times but not a single word came out. I pursed my lips, giving him a small reassuring smile, "It's alright, you can tell me, father."

A soft smile appeared on his face while nodded, he replied, "You really know how to comfort me, do you?

Hmm...Apparently, you can't live here yet. You're in a coma right now, which means you have to come back before sunset, or you'll die."

"Why do I have to go back? Didn't you say you were waiting for me?"

He answered, "You still have 2 tasks left to do, my darling. Until then, we can meet again."

I pleaded, my tears were in the urge of falling, "But, father. Can't I live here? I don't want to go back, I want to be with you."

He came closer, giving me a very comfortable warm embrace. Gently patting my back, encouraging me, "Trust in me, we will meet again. You need to bring your twins too, do you know he misses you so much? He has been crying since you left him, come back with him."

Kyle picked me up along with several other guards in the same car that brought me here, father silently stroked my hand a few times. A single tear escaped from his eyes, but he quickly erased it. He took my hands and placed them in front of his chest, informing me of the command he said earlier, "The two obligations of a princess of iniquity who hold her back are..."