My mate

>> Yohan

The day was stressful like usual. Running a company can be very hard at times. Especially when you’ve taken over not too long ago.

At this point in the night I’m usually beat, so the only thing on my mind is my bed. After taking a shower I crashed on my bed and looked at my phone.

Not a single text from my trouble maker brother.

I threw the phone on the other side of the bed. I told him not to get in trouble and so far he hasn’t.

It’s fine if he doesn’t contact me. It’s not like we’re close anyway.

Even though I was beat it took me some time to fall asleep.

Five minutes in and a loud ringing woke me up.

Who the fuck!

I growled as I looked at my phone ringing.

I should have put it on silent.

I snatched it up and looked at the caller Id.


Then I looked at the time.

1 am

I’m going to kill this brat if it isn’t important.

I swiped the answer icon.


“...Um…” He seemed a bit hesitant.


“Can you please bail me out? I’m in the police station.”

“...” It took me a moment to process what he said.

“Please don’t kill me!” He told me the name of the station and ended the call immediately while I kept staring at the phone.

This brat!

I gritted my teeth.

He’s in jail?!

I told him not to get in trouble while he was staying with humans!

I laid back down in bed.

He should spend the night there. It should serve as punishment enough.

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep again. This time sleep was actually coming to me.

I opened my eyes.

But no peace was there.

“God damnit!” I stood up and threw on a shirt and pants to go to the station.


I had a headache and now that I had extra work because of Ruda it was getting worse. Wait till I get my hands on him.

I walked into the police station and began to look around for him.

My eyes didn’t find him but they found someone far more important. I stopped momentarily when I saw the most beautiful girl standing in front of me.

Her dark hair were a bit messed up and her cheeks were flushed. Her small frame seemed tipsy, perhaps she had been drinking.

Her eyes were a dark color of brown that matched so well with her pale skin.

My mate.

All this time I thought she would be a wolf or a fae but it turned out to be a human.

The wolf in me was beyond happy. All my pain, my headache, my frustration, my tiredness. Everything vanished, the moment I discovered her.

I was relieved. I thought I would never find her.

I started walking towards her again and she began to stutter trying to say something.

“You-” I wanted to ask her name and why she was being kept here but she cut my words and spoke in confusion.

“Please don’t kill Ruda big brother!!!”


Big brother?

She slowly looked back at me again and then another pair of eyes peeked from behind her.

“Ruda.” I stated his name sternly.

“Hahaha,” He gave me a nervous laugh, “Hi?”

I noticed how both of his hands were cuffed to the window bars.

I really wanted to give this kid a nice scolding but then I felt someone grab my hands.

I looked down at my mate.

“I’m sorry mister!” She looked straight into my eyes, “It’s my fault I should have stopped him from going to that party. Please don’t be mad.”


She’s so adorable.

Just look at those cute lips I could devour any second-

I sighed and looked down at our hands.

She noticed it and immediately retreated. It took me a lot of effort to not grab them again.

Quietly I walked to the officer incharge of them.

“Excuse me. I’d like to bail those two out.” I pointed at my brother and my mate.

The officer looked at both of them, “Both of them?” He seemed a bit confused.

“Yes. Both of them.”

I looked at them. They both seemed surprised.

“What’s your relationship with them?” The officer was ready to type in the details on the computer.

“I’m his brother and her-”



Wish I could say that.


“I’m sorry sir, you can take your brother but not the girl.”

“What?” He looked up and me and flinched. I was glaring at him.

“Uh- Just on the basis of being a friend you can’t take her.” My glare unconsciously intensified, “S-sir, she has a criminal record.”

The expression of anger on my face was overcome by confusion, “What? A criminal record?”

“Yes. That’s why I need her to bring a legal guardian.”

I looked back at her and she immediately turned her face around. Clearly she didn’t want to answer that or even think about it.

I looked at Ruda. He was as surprised as me.

I mind-linked him.

“Do you know anything about it?”

“Nothing! It’s the first I’ve heard of it.”

“Does she have anyone to take her out?”

“Actually, I’m not sure. She’s never talked about any personal stuff but she might have a lover. I don’t know”

“And you never asked?”

“Bro! I never asked because I would have to talk about myself too. I’m a wolf, she’s a human. We both respect each other’s privacy.”

“Um,” The officer gently knocked on the desk, “You can take your brother if you want.”

“I’m taking the girl too.” I looked back at him.

“But sir-”

“How much?”


“How much to get her out too?”


I walked in front of both of them as we made our way out of the station but stopped when we reached the parking lot.

I looked back at both of them and they both flinched, neither of them met my eyes.



“I thought I told you not to get in trouble.”


“Did I or did I not?” I asked in a stern tone.

“You did.”

“Come here.” I gestured him forward while my mate stayed there. He came towards me a bit hesitantly. I know he’s scared of me. It’s always like this, part of the reason why we don’t meet up much.

“She’s your friend?” I asked him and he looked up at me in confusion.

“Maya?” He gestured at my mate, “Yes. Why?”

So that’s her name. Maya.

“She’s mine.” I answered.

“She’s whaaaaaa?” He raised his brows at me, “Wait! She’s yours? Your mate?” I nodded, “Oh.”

He took a sigh of relief. It was awfully suspicious.

“But a criminal record?” I said.

“I’m surprised too.” He answered, “She’s a really good girl.”

“You.” I looked at him, “Go back alone.”

He looked at me wide-eyes, “But her-” He looked at Maya and paused, “Um,” He looked at me in fear, “Bro, she...”


“Actually nothing, I’m leaving.” He sprinted out of there.

“Ruda?” My mate called out to him. I know she’s confused but she’s mine now. I walked to her.

“I’ll take you home.”

“Oh no! I can go alone. You already bailed me out of there so, um,” She looked down and tucked her hair behind her ears in embarrassment, “Thank you for that.” She bit her lips.

I grabbed her chin gently and brought her face up to face me.

She was surprised by my action, “Shouldn’t you look at the person when thanking them?”

“Oh yes…” Her eyes shone brightly under the moonlight. It was a cloudless night and I could see her every detail but the most captivating one was her lips, “Is there something I can do to repay you?”

“You want to repay me?” My hand still hadn’t left her chin.

“Yes… No one would have gotten me out of there.” Her eyes drooped again so I slid my thumb across her lower lip.

“Are you sure?”

She picked up the hint and her rosy cheeks turned redder but at the same time she got scared.

“Don’t worry. I won’t eat you.” I grinned.

The pupils in her eyes shook but she didn’t try to run away.

I brought my face closer to hers and she closed her eyes in anticipation. In the silence of the night I could hear her heart drumming in her chest.

I gently placed my lips on hers. A feeling of bliss took over my entire being. From one hand on her chin, it became two that cupped her face.

From what was only supposed to be a gentle kiss it turned into something more.

From something soft it kept getting rougher.

I was losing to my desires and couldn’t help wanting to explore her more. I slipped in my tongue into her mouth.


I want more.

My wolfish desires weren’t satisfied.

I placed my hand down on her shirt when I felt her hands on my shoulder. She pushed me away, but with her strength she only managed to break the kiss and gasp for air.

“Enough…” She breathed heavily as she whispered the words.

Her lipstick was ruined, smudged around her mouth. It just made her more desirable but the tears in the corner of her eyes stopped me.

The sudden realization of what I was about to do hit me and I stepped back, “I- I’ll take you home.”

She didn’t look at me, “I can take the bus.” She said and ran off.

“Wait!” I yelled.

She didn’t.