The ring


I somehow made it to the forest and managed to drag myself to the biggest oak tree there was in the place. I had to walk a lot but as soon as I reached it I got some relief. The tree wasn’t just any normal tree. It was a dryad. In other words, a tree spirit. In big forests there is always one dryad which is also the gateway to the magical realm.

The Dryad was old, about 900 years and had large branches spreading around it in every direction with thick bark. I walked up to it and laid against it as Dryad began to identify me. As it incurred that I was not human and was injured it decided to provide some support.

Tree spirits can only ease the pain, they can not heal it and they do it only for magical creatures. They don’t do it for humans and for some reason vampires aren’t included either.

Why I came here instead of going to the hospital?