These days


These days I wake up every day with a jump. I sit up and realize my eyes are wet. I remember having a nightmare but I can’t remember what it is each time.

My heart feels heavy every single day and there is this feeling of hollowness that I just can’t seem to get rid of.

Today again I woke up with a heavy head and realized I had sweat a lot.

I sighed, got up and decided to take a shower before anything else. I grabbed my clothes and went downstairs.

Yohan was already up even though it was sunday. He looked at me while I was descending the stairs and then averted his gaze.

I stopped in my path and stared at him.

These days, there’s something odd about him too. He hasn’t been talking to me like he used to. I’ve noticed something, these days, when he looks at me I see some guilt hidden in those soft green eyes.

I walked to the bathroom but stopped before entering.