

Calm down.

Calm down.

Calm the fuck down!!


I had my eyes closed as I tried to bring my brain to a normal temperature since it was heating up. I could feel the heat leave through my ears.

“Yohan?” Maya’s voice was close. Very close!

I opened my eyes and found her standing in front of me. Her hands clenching the lower part of her shirt.

She was nervous.

“Maya.” I gulped as I clenched my fists, “It’s too sudden.”

“Why?” She spoke softly, “You don’t want me?”

“No!!” I answered immediately, “There would never be a time where I wouldn’t want you but-” I looked at her and noticed her lightly blushed cheeks which were getting dyed by the orange hue of the setting sun, “I- You don’t have to do this. I feel like you said that on impulse.”

“No.” She clenched her shirt tighter, “I came here with that in mind.” She looked down embarrassed and for some reason I couldn’t believe my ears. Was this really happening?