Meeting and knowing


Quincy went back to the human world after a few hours since Nena was there alone. I made sure she went to sleep before coming here but since it was going to be morning soon Quincy decided to leave. I’m actually really thankful to him, he takes really good care of Nena.

I was afraid of him for most of my life but now that I know why, I have come to accept him. I was probably scared because I couldn't understand him, but how could have I understood him when I didn’t even know who he was. Moreover he asked for strange things that I only understood after I found out that he was a vampire.

But Nena had known all along, I guess that’s why she’s so attached to him.

I wondered if the hospital staff was panicking by now? Quincy did say we’re safe as long as Adam and Alina don’t come to visit or as long as no other staff enters the room but how long will that be?

I sat on the grass with my knees next to my chest and stared at the nymphs doing their work.