The ending that I deserve


“Dad.” Yohan spoke, “Aren’t you going to say anything? You said you were going to give us an explanation after lunch but all you’ve done is stare out the window for the past hour.”

I looked at Yohan, his eyes showed fury while Ruda’s showed fear. I looked at my wife, Alina, who had joined us just a few minutes ago.

I sighed, “I don’t have an explanation.” I sat up straight, “What excuse could there be for muder?” I asked, “I’ll admit to my crimes.” There was no point in telling them my story. It was better for them to not know. It’ll be easier for them to hate me, blame me and for the things I have involved myself in to end with me.

They both looked exasperated, “What about Maya?” Yohan looked at the table with some of the food there gone. I smiled, even though they both didn’t have an appetite they ate well, “Why did you try to kill her?” Of course he’s furious about that. Guess I can explain that.