The signs he began to notice


“Maya?” Yohan helped me out of the car, “Have you lost weight?” We had just come back from Quincy’s house and it was around 11 in the morning.

“I have?” I played ignorant.

He seemed worried, “Yeah. You seem a lot lighter.” He stared at me, “And thinner.” I just smiled in return.

“I guess I’m getting an ideal woman’s body.” I fiddled with my thumbs and he stared at me with a weird expression.

Was he catching onto something?

“I-” He wasn’t sure what to say so he stepped closer and picked me up suddenly.

“Yohan?!” His actions surprised me, “Yohan, we’re still outside!” I tried getting out of his embrace but he held onto me.

“Maya. You’re hiding something from me aren’t you?”

“What? Let me down first! We’ll talk inside.” He stared at me, “Yohan people are staring.” He glanced at the bystanders and I took the advantage of that distraction and managed to get down. Then I ran inside without wasting any time and went to my room upstairs.