Words hurt the most because some of them can not be healed


Ruda yelling Maya’s name scared the hell out of me and I ran into the kitchen only to find her collapsed in his arms. Her nose was bleeding heavily while the glasses had shattered on the floor.

“What happened?” I asked Ruda while I picked her up bridal style.

“I don’t know.” He answered with a worried expression, “I was talking to her and then noticed she wasn’t listening. She seemed lost in her own thoughts so I called her name quite many times but she didn’t respond.” He shook his head in denial, “When she did look at me her nose started bleeding out of nowhere and then suddenly she collapsed.” He pursed his lips, “Just like that!”

“I’ll take her to the hospital. Stay here with Nena.”

“I want to come too.”

“We can’t leave Nena alone.”

“Let’s just bring her along.”


“What happened to Ma?” I looked behind me and saw she was standing right next to us.

Ruda and I both were at a loss of words. What should we tell her? We ourselves didn’t know anything.