To my goofball, my moral support, my best friend


It was the weekend and I felt so full of energy that I had to go and meet the two people today no matter what.

Afraid that this form of health might never come again, I decided to make use of the day and meet the important people and tell them things I need to.

I dressed up warmly and did some light makeup with a darker lip stick to appear good.

Firstly I was going to meet Ruda.

Yohan had already told him about me and since that day he’s been avoiding me. I had already left university so I couldn’t meet him daily like I used to and he wasn’t picking up my calls and barely replying to my texts. So the only thing I could do was catch him off guard and drag him to the cafe or something and make him listen.

That fool really is an idiot.

Like keeping his distance would solve anything. Things were already set in action and nothing could be changed now. Because I had already made a decision.

Since it was saturday I decided to sneak up on him in his dorm.
