A hard decision

>> Yohan

Her words tore my heart and I felt a sharp pang in my chest. The forest reacted and one could hear the sounds of forest woe.

“W-What is that?” She looked around in panic.

“You want to leave?” She looked back at me while I stared at her with a torn expression, “When you just came? After so many decades?”

“…” She looked back at me with unreadable expressions. What was she thinking? She shook her head lightly and looked at the view behind me. Her eyes wandered at different points while her complexion got a bit pale.

I held her hands in mine, “Are you not well?”

She directed her gaze back at me and looked into my eyes, “I feel dizzy.” She spoke in a weak voice and then right the next moment she collapsed.

Before she could fall to the ground I pulled her in my embrace and hugged her tightly.

What just happened?

I picked her up bridal style and turned around, then paused.