To overcome


No matter how much I wanted to deny it, it all came right in front of me like a hard slap to my face.

Sam and Chris were right.

Nothing had worked.

Absolutely nothing has changed. Except the fact that, now I feel like I’m not even worth what I thought I was before.

I’m just a human.

Someone who was there for a fleeting period in his life. Will I even be remembered after a few years?

I heard Quincy’s door get shut and I knew she and him were together in his office now.

My heart broke. It felt like a glass that fell on the hard concrete floor and shattered into tiny uncountable pieces.

I looked down in misery and began to slowly walk towards the room.

My thoughts felt like they were jumbling up and it felt suffocating. I didn’t want to be in the same space as her.

Why did she appear now?

I feel so bad and stupid!

I walked into the corridor and stood in front of Quincy’s office.

I heard them talking but couldn’t hear.
