A child?


It’s been four days already.

My eyes were stuck to the wall clock like glue. Time ticked by and seconds passed yet I received no information or news at all.

Just where is he? I can’t reach him at all! Where could he be? This has never happened before. Yes, Quincy has spent the night out before, but he was always home before dawn. If he needed to go somewhere far, he always told me so I wouldn’t worry.

So why?

What is happening! I even went to the Dryad and asked Yohan about it through the portal but he had no idea either.

He did say that if he was in the dark continent then he wouldn’t know since the creatures of light magic and dark magic don’t really get along. The forest doesn’t like Quincy coming over either even though he’s the Queen’s son since he’s half Vampire.

I bit my lips as I tapped my foot on the floor like crazy.

What should I do? He didn’t leave me right? Is he still mad at me because I ran away that day? But we went past that didn’t we?