

I knocked on Quincy’s study but received no answer. Well, to begin with I never really waited for his answer, so I opened the door to peek inside.

He was working on the laptop, wearing his computer glasses while completely ignoring me.


He’s still mad at me but this outcome was inevitable if I think about it so I won’t stress on it.

I entered the room, “Hey,” I greeted him, “I just came to remind you, tomorrow’s the college festival.”

He kept typing on the keys without even sparing me a glance. He pretended that I wasn’t even there and that hurt me a little but since I deserve it I didn’t make a fuss about it.

“Well um, I guess you’re not coming but if you do, our department has a special event planned.” I kept my gaze on him and he kept his on the screen.

What is he even typing that seriously?

“...” The typing continued.