Kendell Marano Parker.
I'm a whore with myself, by the migraine sleep whore brutally cut by the heat son of his mother and these rays of sun entering and hitting my face anyway.
How did I forget to close the freaking guy's expensive curtains?
Worst of all, I won't be able to go back to sleep because the crap of the sun has already demoralised me and I'm very ill-disposed now.
- Crap - babbling sitting in the angry bed, I put my slippers passing my hands in my eyes, which cry out to be closed again.
It's not my fault, it's the fucking thing about this sun!
I'm going to the bathroom and I'm going to the box, and put warm water, because it was sunny, but it had a basic little chain. I bathe, wash my hair like people, after all, I already have shampoo. I take a quick shower, I was still angry.