Kendelle Marano Parker.
I wake up, feeling all my heavy body like stone, I force the opening of my eyes and come across a lot of enlightenment, which made me open and close my eyes several times to see if I got used to it.
I ended up noticing that I'm in a fancy room!
Kendell, is the hospital room fancy daughter?
It was big, there was a TV hanging on the wall, a table with a glass of water, there are buttons next to the bed, there is another door inside, and I was being injected, there was a needle in my left forearm that received something that was inside a balloon or whatever.
And I remembered the shooting that happened in that fancy place.
And I'm absolutely sure it was Chris, because who else would leave the whole rich man there to come and take a poor girl like Kendell?
No one, in their right mind.
Out of nowhere I see a doctor coming in, I remember seeing him somewhere, I just don't remember which one.