Liam Blande.
- Unfortunately we still don't know her whereabouts, sir. - he dares say.
- What the fuck! - I brave. - Your job is to watch over her 24 hours a day. Where is she? - patience is no longer present in my tone of voice.
- We're sorry. - He cries out. - She didn't leave the building, when it's past time, we looked for her but we didn't find any trace of her. - he explains, visibly disappointed. - In the security cameras, there's no record of her other than her entry yesterday. - he says.
And I know how competent he is, but it's my wife we're fucking talking about.
Nobody disappears out of nowhere.
- I want you to start an investigation immediately. - I speak and he'll say it. - I want recordings of all the damn practises of that company here and now.
He's embed and withdraws.