Kendell Marano Parker.
- Babies? - I question trying to situate myself. - Which babies? - Lost question, as lost as everyone else.
Thank God, who helps me hold the glass of water is the beautiful nurse, otherwise...
- Didn't you realise? - He questions rhetorically, nodding. - Miss was approximately 2 weeks pregnant.
Imagine taking all karate blows at once.
That's what I'm feeling right now.
- I... - Wait FOR WHAT? My chip doesn't want to fall.
I'm feeling a thousand and one things inside me and I don't know how to distinguish anything.
- Was she pregnant? - Liam, who is as lost as I am, asks.
Wait, I was pregnant with Liam, Mr. Leo and didn't know?
Was I pregnant with the boss?!
Of course that would happen, because also, the insatiable hunger of this man and the crazy Kendell doesn't leave the winds...
But I didn't realise it!? I was pregnant with the boss and didn't fucking realise it!
- Babies... - babbling still lost, I heard babies.