Kendell Marano Parker.
The best thing in the world.
- All this? - The little boss asks. He dares!
- All this? Are you saying that I eat a lot by chance? - Offended question, for some reason.
Because I know I like food, but now it seems that my baby takes everything to him, and my stomach doesn't fill up.
- Yes, all that. - he confirms. - You ate practically the whole buffet, and now that. - he dared.
- I'm pregnant, Mr. Liam. I need to feed the baby. And I still have a stomach, if you want to know. - I speak starting with the savoury. - Besides, you paid for that whole buffet for what, wasn't it supposed to eat? - I question and he takes a deep breath, while Jaden laughs.
- Bon appetit! - He responds surrendered.
- Thank you. - I answer by continuing to eat, it's delicious.
I lean on him, watching the movie that even though I didn't realise anything, was very interesting. While he talks to Jaden, and caresses me. Even if sinful.