MEMORY: Year-end (Part 3)

To: Rin

From: Yana

Dear Rin,

I can still remember the first day of class when I introduced myself to you. “I’m Julianna Sevilla. I hope we’ll become good seatmates,” I said. I was still nervous then, being new to this school. But having you beside me every day has helped me settle down quicker than I expected.

At first, to be honest, I thought we wouldn’t get along well. You were very quiet, aloof, and snobbish. But later on I’ve seen your kindness, care, and how fun you are to be with. In a short period of time I’ve seen things that you don’t usually show on a typical day, and it makes me thankful because I was able to see those hidden sides of you.

You have been a very good seatmate to me, Ms. Irene Sebastian. Thank you for taking care of me this year. I know you did great so I’m sure we’re going to be classmates again next school year. But if not, I hope we remain friends, okay?

Take care of yourself always, and enjoy your summer vacation!

Let’s keep in touch.



To: Yana

From: Rin

Dear Yana,

Everything about you was unexpected: your coming to this school, being my seatmate, and later on being my friend.

Everything is different now—but in a good way. And I want to thank you for it.

You’ve helped me a lot many times. I study better now and my grades weren’t that bad either.

I had fun with you around.

I hope to see you again next year.

I look forward to hearing what fun things you did in summer, not how fast you read our textbooks in advance. Haha, kidding. I would still listen to you either way.

I wish you a great summer ahead. Be well always.


After grueling hours of coming up with the most decent letter, it was the one I had approved to be written on the special paper I made sure was still scented.

Somehow, I just couldn’t convince myself to give her the draft I believed was the most honestly written of all. I decided I would just keep it though, as a memento… or probably I’d give it to her later on when I don’t feel too embarrassed anymore.

Dearest Yana,

Maybe you’re wondering why I wrote you a letter. It has been a while since I wrote to someone, actually.

I was in 1st grade then, when it was still easy to make friends. I had a few classmates whom I got along with but I got especially close to one of them. I wrote her a letter at the end of the year like what I did now, but unlike before, coming up with words to say wasn’t as easy.

Back then, I wasn’t expecting anything. Maybe because I knew we would not see each other again, or maybe because I got used to everything being temporary. You see, I transferred schools right after that. And to another one before I ended up in this school.

I was used to not getting close to anyone. And it stayed that way as I was put in classes with new faces year after year, climbing places until I reached the top.

And that’s when we met.

When you came, I didn’t expect we would get along so well, Yana. My days have not been the same since the day I met you, and I want to thank you for it.

You make me happy, and I think you don’t even know it.

I hope nothing changes between the two of us. I hope we’ll always be together.

I hope we’ll stay like this… for a long time.

Hey, make sure you have a good time during break, ok? Don’t forget to rest too, I know you.

Be safe always. And know that I’ll be thinking about you, that’s for sure.

Actually... I always do.
