MEMORY: The One in Charge (Part 2)

I went to the library after class and thought of having a small chit chat with our good old Mrs. Joson.

I first asked how long she had been the school’s librarian and I was relieved to know that she was the only one the school had since the beginning of time. Coming here was indeed the right choice.

I immediately went straight to the point and asked her about Augusto Pier and Rosita Estrella.

“Ah, Rosita… Pretty reserved woman. But she seemed nice. I think she was too young to be appointed Head of Finance at that time. But her predecessor was going to migrate abroad so the school had no choice. Well, she had been an assistant for quite some time so I guess the sudden huge responsibility hit her. She resigned in just less than a year,” the old woman said.

“Really? But she could've just asked to be put back to her old position, could she?” I said, getting suspicious.

To my surprise, Mrs. Joson leaned close to my ear as if someone could hear us in the almost deserted library.

“There were rumors,” she whispered. “I don’t know if those were true—but I heard she had an affair with a school official. I don’t know who that is but I think it’s probably true. Why would she resign like that, no?”

Seeing Mrs. Joson clearly enjoying the conversation, I seized the opportunity and jumped next to Augusto Pier.

“Ah, what a fine man, I could tell,” the librarian said, turning sweet all of a sudden. “All the women are talking about how handsome he is. Did you know that he was offered the Asst. Principal position when it got vacant but he refused? Even the Principal praised his modesty but he still wouldn’t budge. I guess he’s already comfortable with where he is.”

“Where is he now, though?”

Mrs. Joson’s expression changed as if I had just said something rude. “How come you don’t know, young lady? He’s still the Head Administrator up until now. And it doesn’t seem like he’ll be leaving the school anytime soon. Ah, Gus, what a good man he is.”

I quickly interrupted the librarian’s fangirling so I could finish my interrogation. It was getting pretty late anyway.

“Um, ma’am? When was it, if I may ask? When he was offered the position and declined it?”

“Ah, that wasn’t too long.” She wriggled her ink-stained hand in front of her face as if shooing a fly. “About two years ago? You could probably remember when Mr. Co was assigned as the new Asst. Principal instead.”

It was after Nicole’s death.

“But you kids aren’t really paying attention to adult matters so it’s no wonder.”

It could be that he didn’t want to leave his current position, because he was scared…

“All you do is eat and play.”

…that he would be busted when his replacement finds out about what he did. And if he really is involved…

“And fool around.”

…then I’m sure if there’s still something that could expose him, he’s determined to keep it hidden.