MEMORY: Someone I Like

Dance with the Sunflower

You look at me

as if I could capture the light

the petals in the wind

Your back turned

is a lonely shade

Your hair

a stroke of gold

in summer

I want to

hold your hand

to move closer

to understand

Never mind my nervous


because with you

I just want to


I was beaming proudly at the piece of paper I just finished posting on the “Favorite Poems” section of the Literature Club wall. I still couldn’t believe my clubmates liked it so much, but more than that, I couldn’t believe I was capable of writing something beautiful. It had been weeks since I joined in and I think I was getting the hang of it.

“Hm, looks too bright. Too romantic,” Maris remarked with that cold expression of hers. She was leaning against the wall the whole time I was taping up my piece. All our clubmates had gone ahead, leaving the two of us alone again.