MEMORY: Probability

I was still lightheaded when I came to school the next day. The thought of Yana getting more affectionate towards me was absolutely lifting my spirits up.

“I already know what you mean by ‘doing something else’ other than holding hands,” I whispered to Maris first thing in the morning. She was earlier than me, as usual, that I kept wondering if she liked school that much; but then I thought it was probably because of the book she couldn’t put down at the moment.

“I’m going to surprise her with a hug, just like what she did to me. And if she returns it, then maybe… I have a chance,” I continued, holding an opened book over my mouth as a protective shield from possible eavesdroppers.

Maris was quiet for a while, and then finally paid attention to me. “I don’t know if that’ll work now seeing how clingy she is to you.”

“Huh, but isn’t that a good thing?” I leaned in closer, seeing a couple more of our classmates arriving.