MEMORY: The Moon, the Sun, and the Cloud (Part 2)

It’s love that makes the sun rise

And the moon gaze from a distance

It’s love that makes trees grow

The flowers bloom

The tides fall in the morning

And waves crash in the afternoon

When the Sun fell in love

The Earth came to know the day

When the Moon fell in love

It came to know the night

To which came the cost

Of them being torn apart

But no matter how far

No matter how long

The Sun will be waiting

The Moon will be waiting

Until the two of them

Are ready to meet again.

I was smiling as I felt the tiny bulge in my pocket. “We nailed it!” exclaimed Yana right after the curtain closed before us. I didn’t expect the play would run smoothly, when all I did was to have fun, and be myself. Extra hours of rehearsing after school had paid off, and before I knew it, the cast and the backstage staff were bowing down, hands held together on the stage.